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tisdag 29 maj 2012

In Syria; Houla eyewitness: "They had no mercy"

Kyrie eleison! Kyrie eleison! Kyrie eleison! A cry for Syria. Obeskrivliga grymheter. Mass exodus. Etnisk utrensning.

Most of the 108 people killed in Syria's Houla region on Friday were summarily executed, the UN says.
A spokesman for the UN's human rights office says witnesses told investigators that pro-regime militias carried out most of the killings.

Survivors have described gunmen entering homes, firing indiscriminately and slitting the throats of children.


"They had no mercy":
"The shabiha militias attacked the houses. They had no mercy. We took pictures of children, under 10 years [old], their hands tied, and shot at close-range, from 10cm, just 10cm. By knife they cut their neck, not exactly all his neck, but they make a hole in the neck, a hole in his eyes."

De kristna i Syrien är trängda från alla håll och kanter. Syrien är landet där förföljaren Saulus blev aposteln Paulus och här pågår ett krig mellan muslimska rebeller och den socialistiska regimen.
 FN:s säkerhetsråd har fördömt det blodiga våldet (i Houla) och även EU:s Martin Schulz har gjort det. En armenisk kyrka och en kristen skola har plundrats och konfiskerats för rebellernas behov. Röster har höjts för att det handlar om etnisk utrensning. Folkmord. Houla och Homs. 6,3 % är kristna (av vilka 3 % är katoliker och ortodoxa).

"Almost the entire Christian population of the Syrian city of Homs has fled violence and persecution, according to Fides, the news agency of the Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples.
The mass exodus of 50,000 or more people to villages and towns around the city comes amid reports that the homes of Christians in Homs have been attacked and seized by militants."

Syrian army being aided by Iranian forces

"I think the international condemnation of the regime is unequivocal. We have seen that even countries that were more hesitant have begun to shift their position. It is important for the opposition to build on this unity which they have now created and consolidate their vision for the future of the country and it is important for us in the international community to continue pressuring the Syrian regime to abide by the full implementation of the Annan Plan: not just the ceasefire, but all points that were put in the plan must be fully implemented, including a political process. I think that one year after the events in Syria began unfolding, there are more people who have lost their lives to the brutality of the regime than during the events in Libya. And we cannot continue to stand idle and see these massacres continue. All those who have been involved must understand that they will be prosecuted and judged for their deeds."

Foto: KL
Luke 21:28-36

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