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måndag 21 maj 2012

EU - Wake up! This is NOT acceptable in Europe - Solidarity - Fight against injustice!

Malady Front (Mikhail Muski)/Kriminellt beteende av polisen gentemot ungdomar (Radio Svaboda) Lukashenkas förtryck gränsar till folkmord. Mänskorna lever i skräck. De flesta är apatiska och uppgivna, en del försöker göra någonting. Så här ser ett offer för Lukashenka's polis ut; och OBS! Detta är inte acceptabelt! Hur mycket kostar en vitryss, EU? Andrei's "brott" är att han har höjt en flagga i solidaritet för en hungersstrejkande politisk fånge. Politiker! Se till att ni håller president Lukashenka ansvarig för detta! Och inget ishockey-VM i Minsk 2014! Men det borde väl vara självklart för alla?

 "We should link our arms to continue in the fight for the goodness in the world and to fight against injustice," (Chen Guangcheng, arriving in New York)

"In spite of strong headache Andrei Mouchan told charter97.org website how he had been beaten by police.

Andrei Mouchan was beaten in the evening of May 19 for raising a national white-red-white flag near Pershamaiski department store in Minsk. An activist of European Belarus civil campaign did it to show his solidarity with political prisoner Syarhei Kavalenka, who was convicted for hanging the banned Belarusian flag.

Policemen attacked me and tried to snatch the flag out of my hands. They began to beat me. There were at least five men. All policemen were in uniform. They were kicking me and beating me with fists. I do not remember much. I fell unconscious several times. I came round only in the Pershamaiski district police department. An ambulance was called. A policeman accompanied me to hospital. He followed me everywhere and went away only after I was told I should stay at hospital. They did not show up here anymore,” Andrei Mouchan said.

The activist of European Belarus civil campaign remains at hospital.  A broken jaw and a spinal cord injury are suspected.  Doctors decided Mouchan should stay at hospital for examination.

Asked if he will appeal against police brutality, Mouchan said: “At the moment, I'd like to recover. I am hardly speaking. I have an awful headache.”

This is what happened:
After a conversation with Andrei she learnt that beating continued in the car as well. The preliminary doctor’s opinion, Andrei has a traumatic brain injury, his kidney and legs are inured.

"en demonstrant som viftat med oppositionens flagga i solidaritet med Siarhei Kavalenka, misshandlades svårt av polisen med hjärnskada, bruten käke och revben, skadade njurar och ben som följd."

Detta har hänt:

I solidaritet med Siarhei Kavalenka tog Andrei den vit-röd-vita flaggan, viftade med den och spred ut sådana nära snabbköpet; Первомайски. Polis kom snabbt till platsen och han försökte reda ut varför polisen ville anhålla honom. Pga detta blev han mycket brutalt misshandlad av polisen, försedd med handklovar och inföst i en annan bil. Det kom nämligen två polisbilar till platsen. Han beskylldes för att ha förolämpat presidenten och för att ha slagit en polis. Andrei's syster fick kontakt med honom och kunde prata litet och det blev känt att misshandeln fortsatte i bilen.

En läkare konstaterade en traumatisk hjärnskada, skadad underkäke, skador på njurar och ben. Aktivisten befinner sig nu på sjukhus och detaljerna är under utredning.

- Fega politiker är tysta politiker! Du arbetar väl för att ishockey-VM 2014 inte ska hållas i Belarus?


YF activist Mikhail Muski was forcedly taken to serve the term in the army. On May 15 the guy was able to contact and inform his friends about the coming “happy” event in his life.

Mikhail was taken from Akhrestin Jail to 29th Missile Air Defense Unit of the Armed Forces of Belarus in Lepel.

Mikhail was forced to serve the term in the army for his political activity with evident breaking of the law.  The guy was ‘delivered onto the conveyer of political draftees’ where the security KGB officers try to impose their ideas, persuade guys in flourishing and welcoming Luka’s ideology.

In 2009 Mikhail was recognized unfit for serving in the army because of the high blood pressure. In 2012 after the detention for organizing and participating in the performance near the Foreign  Ministry he was under escort taken to military hospital to “change” his state of health.

Since the beginning of 2012 Mikhail Muski spent 50 days imprisoned.  He wrote lots of letters to change the standard service to the alternative service. This practice is not done for Young Front activists.

Young Front is missing Muski’s presence. We don’t feel indifferent and look forward to any news. The guy is not easy to contact to. There is nothing worse than informational ban.

Young Front 

POLISÖVERGREPP: Police actions towards young activists are pure crime

Snabböversatt (¨Link thanks to Radio Svaboda):

"The actions of the police against youth activists - pure criminality"Kriminellt beteende av polis (många fall):
"An activist of the campaign "European Belarus" Andrei Molchan was beaten by Minsk police for use of the  white-red-white flag and he was admitted to a hospital with multiple injuries." 

"17-year-old Alexander Rudenya from Kalinkovichi was beaten by police officers --- They arrested him so that he lost consciousness and he was almost choked with his own blood."

"Young Front" members Dmitri Kremenetskiy, Mussky and Michael were beaten when they tried to share leaflets in support of political prisoner Dmitry Dashkevich  --- Paul Sergei, Vladimir Eremenko, Nikolai Demidenko, Dmitri Vasiliev, Kremenets and Roman - from the apartment, were beaten at the same time."

"I'm just shocked, because such brazen and cynical behavior by riot police, police and other law enforcement."

"The massive beating and detention of people occurred in Krupki, when security officials seized the town hall with young people. The police stormed  the house of a priest in a country lane in Minsk, where a group of faithful Protestants prayed."

"commando polie broke his leg at Independence Square on the day of the presidential election of December 19, 2010."

"Earlier, riot policemen were beating the hands of Svetlana Zavadskaya - (cameraman's wife). Security officers are not prosecuted."

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