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måndag 30 juli 2012

"Olympic Dreams" campaigne: Protect human rights defenders!

Human rights defenders - Olympics 2012. The Campaign features 15 human rights defenders from around the world, and calls on the public to take action to help protect human rights defenders.
 "Let us link our arms to fight for goodness against injustice --- let us work for the common good worldwide:" (Chen Guangcheng) Chief rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (Munich 40 years ago)

“Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire... Sport can awaken hope where there was previously only despair.”
Nelson Mandela

Front Line Defenders launches campaigne on 15 human rights defenders coinciding with Olympics:

(Link thanks to Belarusian human rights defender Oleg Volchek)

Oleg Volchek:

Torture testimonies (Belarus):

15 human rights defenders to protect - Click on the map and read more.

"Front Line Defenders launched an online and social media campaign today to call attention to the plight of 15 human rights defenders (HRDs) around the world facing threats, harassment, intimidation, prison and violence on account of their human rights work. The ‘Olympic Dreams’ campaign (www.sportshrd.org) calls on the public to take action to support these 15 defenders by writing to country officials, including the heads of the various National Olympic Committees." 

Gao Zhisheng

Geng He: "Release my husband": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HaQ5uCVXuA&feature=player_embedded


Watch Newsnight tonight for John Sweeney's report from Belarus:

"Opposition activists both inside and outside Belarus have claimed they were tortured at KGB headquarters in central Minsk. The building is known as the "Amerikanka" and is said to be named after a 1920s design for a Chicago prison. People who say they have been tortured in the Amerikanka include the opposition figures Vlad Kobets and Natallia Radzina, the presidential candidates Andrei Sannikov and Ales Mikhalevich, the poet Vladimir Neklyayev, and others still in Belarus. They say that in December 2010, after a bitterly disputed election, victims were forced to strip naked and stand in stress positions while masked guards swished electric batons. Icicles hung from open windows and the temperature outside was -20°C."

"In the end, said Martin Luther King we will all remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...
...where there where protests it made difference" (Chief rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks)
Honoring Shoah and Seyfo

Forty years ago this summer, the Olympic world was rocked by the tragedy of the Munich Massacre. Recently there was public outcry when the International Olympic Committee refused to honor the Israeli victims of the 1972 Palestinian terror attacks.

Honoring the victims.

Photo: Kerstin L.

tisdag 24 juli 2012

Guds ord taler alltid til oss som lov og evangelium

ELBK/Gratia 2/2012/AH

”Ikke noe menneske blir rettferdig for Gud på grunn av gjerninger
som loven krever. Ved loven lærer vi synden å kjenne.” Rom 3,20

”For jeg skammer meg ikke over evangeliet. Det er en Guds kraft til
frelse for alle som tror, jøde først og så greker.” Rom 1,16

Ur texten:

"Et menneske som blir utsatt for lovens angrep kan ikke gjøre noe annet enn å
rope ut som Paulus: ”Hvem skal fri meg fra dette elendige menneske?” Eller som tolleren
i tempelet: ”Gud vær meg synder nådig!” Da kommer Den hellige Ånd med evangeliet,
med Kristus og sier «Vær frimodig, sønn, dine synder er tilgitt.» Matt 9,2 Den store
forskjellen mellom lov og evangelium er at evangeliet ved siden av å fortelle at
Jesus Kristus døde for deg og betalte for alle dine synder, også har skaperkraft i
seg slik at du får et nytt menneske som tror det du hører. Det skjedde da du hørte
evangeliet første gang i dåpen. Da fikk du troen som en gave."


"Her er to viktige vers fra Romerbrevet som lærer oss forskjellen mellom loven og

Å skille rett mellom lov og evangelium er å være en kristen. Men det å være en
kristen er vel først og fremst det å tro på Kristus? Det er rett, men troen på Kristus
forutsetter at du har mistet troen på deg selv. Det er ikke plass til både troen
på at du selv er av verdi for Gud, samtidig som du tror at Jesus som har gjort alt
for deg. Det handler om ”troen alene”. Jesus Kristus er veien, sannheten og livet.
Uten han er jeg fortapt. Ingen kan bli rettferdig for Gud på grunn av gjerninger.
Årsaken er at vi er syndere tvers igjennom fra unnfangelsen av. Av naturen har vi
ingen fri vilje til å velge det gode og gjøre det gode. Det naturlige er at vi gjør det
onde og velger det onde. Isteden for å komme til Gud vår far, flykter vi vekk fra
Gud vår far. Av naturen er vi blinde og døve. I forholdet til Guder vi døde. ”Dere
var en gang døde på grunn av deres misgjerninger og synder.” Ef 2,1

For å vekke oss opp bruker Gud sin hellige lov. Den forteller i detalj hva vi skal
gjøre og ikke skal gjøre. Loven forteller oss hvor dårlig det står til med oss. Den
viser oss hvor fattige, elendige og håpløse vi er av oss selv. Gud tåler ikke synd, og
den som synder skal dø den evige død. Loven kan heller ikke gi oss noen krefter
eller muligheter til å rette opp skaden. Den bare viser oss vår tragiske situasjonen.
Loven sier og gjør det samme som den ubarmhjertige medtjener: ”Han grep fatt i
ham, tok strupetak på ham og sa: Betal det du skylder!” Matt 18,28. Men vi har ikke noe
å betale med.

Et menneske som blir utsatt for lovens angrep kan ikke gjøre noe annet enn å
rope ut som Paulus: ”Hvem skal fri meg fra dette elendige menneske?” Eller som tolleren
i tempelet: ”Gud vær meg synder nådig!” Da kommer Den hellige Ånd med evangeliet,
med Kristus og sier «Vær frimodig, sønn, dine synder er tilgitt.» Matt 9,2 Den store
forskjellen mellom lov og evangelium er at evangeliet ved siden av å fortelle at
Jesus Kristus døde for deg og betalte for alle dine synder, også har skaperkraft i
seg slik at du får et nytt menneske som tror det du hører. Det skjedde da du hørte
evangeliet første gang i dåpen. Da fikk du troen som en gave.

Evangeliet er sannelig en Guds kraft til frelse. Luther sier at: Forkynnelsen av syndenes
forlatelse i Jesu Kristi navn, det er evangeliet. Derfor trenger vi hele tiden å høre
Guds ord for at troen skal være levende og sterk. Men samtidig bærer vi på vårt
gamle menneske som ikke har gitt opp håpet om selv å ha noe å rose seg av. Derfor
trenger vi loven som holder oss på plass og på denne måten jager oss til Kristus.

En kristens liv leves mellom lov og evangelium. Den rette forståelsen mellom
loven og evangeliet er også nøkkelen til å forstå Guds ord rett. Guds ord taler
alltid til oss som lov og evangelium. Guds ord er et nådemiddel som skal bevare
oss i troen på vår vandring mot det evige livet. Derfor er det krikens fremste oppgave
å forkynne både loven og evangeliet og samtidig skille rett mellom lov og

Asbjørn Hjorthaug

Ur: Gratia 2/2012

Foto: Kerstin Lindén (juli 2012, storblommig ros på vår gård)

torsdag 19 juli 2012

ECI - en förhandlingslösning baserad på historiska fakta och internationell lag nödvändig - bevara Jerusalem odelad

European Coalition for Israel (Tomas Sandell)

Månadsrapport juli 2012/
ECI calls on the EU to host an emergency conference to address the safety and security for Jews in Europe. (Condolences).

Emergency conference:

http://www.givepeaceachance.info/"Give peace a chance" (video and book)


"Ett av de allvarligaste hoten mot den judiska statens säkerhet som gått ganska obemärkt förbi, är att den palestinska myndigheten (PA) deklarerat att de återigen i FN i september kommer att föreslå ett ensidigt utropande av en palestinsk stat. Detta kungjordes på en nyligen hållen presskonferens i Paris, ordnad av Frankrikes nyvalde president Hollande, som där antydde att han kommer att stöda palestiniernas strävanden.

Detta drag är en del av en välorganiserad kampanj inom det internationella justitiekrig* som ytterst syftar till att olagligförklara och slutligt besegra staten Israel. PÅ hoppas på att uppnå detta genom ett ensidigt utropande av en islamsk stat på Israels historiska kärnland, med Gamla stan i Jerusalem som huvudstad. Detta innebär en farlig manipulation av internationell lag, som skulle ha förödande följder för den judiska staten. PA skulle då kunna utropa sin egen stat och bestämma dess gränser utan att någonsin behöva förhandla med Israels regering.

Detta är ett hot mot hela Israels existens som för det mesta inte uppmärksammas av Israels vänner. Internationell lag består av ett invecklat system av mekanismer som ibland kan missbrukas för att besegra en stat effektivare än genom traditionell krigföring. Därför är det viktigt att vi är medvetna om denna farliga utveckling och kämpar emot den genom bön, upplysning och genom att försvara Israels sak.

En gräns överskreds för första gången i St Petersburg i juni. PA lyckades få Födelsekyrkan i Betlehem listad som en palestinsk helig plats genom att falskeligen anklaga de judiska myndigheterna för att utgöra en fara för själva kyrkobyggnaden. På samma sätt anklagar de nu israelerna för att judaisera Jerusalem, trots det faktum att staden har varit judisk huvudstad i över 3000 år. PA ber nu FN att ingripa. Detta är ett allvarligt brott mot internationell lag och kan även stå i strid med själva FN:s grundstadga.

ECI kommer återigen att starta en kampanj för att försvara det judiska folkets rätt till sitt urgamla hemland och att bevara Jerusalem som sin odelade huvudstad. Vi återupprepar vårt budskap från ifjol som uppfordrade till "en förhandlingslösning baserad på historiska fakta och internationell lag" . Vårt öppna brev till FN undertecknades av över 60.000 vänner, inklusive många parlamentsmedlemmar och fd ministrar i sitt lands regering. Dessa senaste initiativ står i strid med alla tre principer (förhandlingar, historia, lag) som vi framhöll som förhandsvillkor för fred i Mellanöstern.

(*justistiekrig (eng. lawfare, jf warfare, krigföring) Illegitim användning av nationell eller internationell lag i syfte att skada en opponent, få hegemoni i offentligheten, skada en opponent ekonomiskt, eller att binda upp hans tid så att han blir förhindrad att vidta andra åtgärder, tex. att kandidera för offentliga tjänster)

Olika sätt att hjälpa på:

1. Be att varje palestinskt försök att ensidigt utropa en stat stoppas. Du kan följa med den senaste utveckligen på Twitter @ECIUN, där vi förser dej regelbundet (ibland dagligen) med ny information.

2. Hjälp till att göra filmen "Give peace a chance" känd genom e-post och sociala media. Planera särskilda tillfällen i din församling eller i ditt lands parlament. Filmen har ett bra budskap om staten Israels juridiska grund och farorna med ensidiga åtgärder. Filmen finns på www.givepeaceachance.info

3. Hjälp till att distribuera vår nya  bok: "Foundations of International Legal Rights of the Jewish People and the State of Israel" ("De lagliga grunderna för det judiska folkets och staten Israels rätt") skriven av Dr Cynthia Day Wallace. Boken stärker filmens budskap och tillsammans utgör de starka informationsredskap. Du kan beställa boken på sidan www.givepeaceachance.info eller genom att sända oss e-post till info@ec4i.org

4. Hjälp oss ekonomiskt att nå ut med detta budskap till FN och de nationer som är representerade där, speciellt till europeiska nationer. Vi har nu en öppen dörr till många FN organisationer i New York, liksom till regeringar och parlament världen runt. Dina förböner och ekonmiska stöd kan ta oss dit.

Viktiga datum 2012 och 2013

17-19 augusti 2012 Konferens i Oxford för unga vuxna (kont. Debbie Usher, debbieusher@hotmail.com)

22-29 september 2012 FN:s generalförsamling i New York. En delegation från ECI kommer att närvara.

15 november 2012 Den årliga Policy-konferensen i Europa-parlamentet i Bryssel. Talarnas namn meddelas senare.

16-17 november 2012 Tränings- och undervisningskonferens i Bryssel (i anslutning till årskonferensen)

22-24 mars 2013 Den 11. årliga europeiska bönekonferensen i Bryssel

Vill du stöda ekonomiskt klicka på "Donate" (donera)

ECI/Tomas Sandell

European Coalition for Israel

Donera/Donate: http://www.ec4i.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=84&Itemid=61 

ECI calls on the EU to host an emergency conference to address the safety and security for Jews in Europe:


Encouragement from the persecuted Church of China

Beijing Shouwang Church Announcement on Outdoor Worship Service on July 15.

Daniel 2:21 "He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding;" (ESV)

Dear brothers and sisters:

Peace in the Lord! On this past Sunday, we held the twenty-eighth outdoor worship service of this year. It was a hot day, but believers continued to worship our Lord Jesus Christ with faith and hope.

As far as we know, on Sunday morning, at least fifteen believers were taken away from locations near the platform for attending the outdoor service. Four believers were released on the way or were sent home directly, and the other eleven believers were sent to three different local police stations. All believers taken to police stations were released around 13:00 pm on Sunday.

Till today, we still do not see any way out as the external environment encloses us like high city walls. However, with faith, we look beyond the environment, and look to God’s sovereignty; if God is working, who will be able to stop Him? What we need to do is be faithful in carrying out our responsibility. The solution comes not from man’s wisdom, but from God’s wisdom and power, for wisdom and might belong to Him (Daniel 2:21). Therefore, let us pray to God together, that he would strengthen our faith, give us the same mind and the same vision, and that he would open a way for us early for people to see his wisdom and power and to bring him glory.

May peace and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the mercy and love of Father God, and the console and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, be with each brother and sister of Shouwang Church and all the churches who remember Shouwang Church in prayers, from this time on and forevermore! Amen.

Beijing Shouwang Church

Dr Bob Fu/Chinaaid

lördag 14 juli 2012

Human rights violations in Belarus in June 2012 - Torture and ill-treatment

Amos 5:24, Matt. 25:35-36, Hebr. 13:3, Matt. 23:23, Matt. 23:33, Chief Rabbi Lord J. Sacks message: "the silence of our friends." (MLK) Remembering Shoah/KGB-concentration camps all over prison Belarus. Regime worse than Stalin.

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others." (Matt. 23:23)

"You serpents, you brood of vipers, how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?" (Matt. 23:33)

"But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream." (Amos 5:24)

Viasna (12.7.2012)

Read about what is happening to Andrei Pachobut, Ales Bialiatski, Siarhei Kavalenka, Mikalai Statkevich, Mikhail Muski...


by Alena Siamenchukova:
”In the cell, there was no place to sleep or any furniture at all. It was very cold. The administration of the temporary isolation cell of the Vitsebsk regional executive committee interior department refused to give me warm clothes, water, hygiene supplies passed in a parcel. I had to lie right on the dirty floor in a white T-shirt, jeans and ballerinas. It was so cold I couldn’t fall asleep. I had to walk in the cell all the time. The air was stuffy; there was no way to air the cell. All night long a light bulb was shining into my eyes, it was impossible to switch it off… Nor could I switch off the radio, its sound was torturing my brain. I got food for the first time in the morning of the next day of detention. I had to eat on the floor with dirty hands since I never got soap and towel. I couldn’t use the lavatory, because it lacked a flush tank, toilet paper, was placed so that the guards could see it and in general was disgusting,”

by human rights defender and lawyer Oleg Volchek:
"The Human rights defender continues to fight for closing the prison in Akrestsin. --- He points to the following violations: a complete lack of furniture in the chamber, the low temperature in the chamber and the lack of ventilation, lack of a single bed and bedding, overcrowding, poor sanitary and hygienic condition of the camera, poor lighting, the prohibition of food and gear failure to drinking water lack of adequate medical care, failure to issue hygiene, the presence of rats in the chamber. He argues that these and other violations of human dignity, humiliate, violate the Belarusian legislation and international obligations assumed by the Republic of Belarus."

by Aliaksandr Atroschankau:
"Amnesty International recognized Aliaksandar Atroschankau a prisoner of conscience. Lukashenka released him on 14 September 2011, under an international pressure. Aliaksandar told the Ukrainian Tidzhen about humiliations and other trials that the “politicals” have to go through in Belarusian jails".
Every day during the arrest in the KGB isolation cell I had to go through painful and humiliating physical procedures. They would order me to take my belongings, madras, bed sheets and pillows to the empty gym. I had to walk through a column of masked people. In the gym, they would tell me I’d been too slow, turn me around and make me jog back and forth with a 25-kilogram load seven times. Then they would order me to stretch my feet and arms and to stand like that facing the wall. They would open the window, -15 – 25 degrees outside. I had to stand naked, nearly in the splits. I felt them approaching me from behind, pushing with batons, clicking with electric shockers. This would go on for 40 minutes, one hour. I felt them breathing in the back of my neck, laughing, swearing."

by former presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich:
“They have tried out all kind of methods [against me], except for insect powder.”

Torture methods:

 by former presidential candidate Ales Michalevic (Russian)

by Ales Michalevich (in English): "A concentration camp in the centre of Minsk"

by Human rights defender and lawyer Oleg Volchek

by disabled person fined for resisting forced fingerprinting

by exiled journalist Natalia Radzina:

by former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov: "worse than Stalin"

Fd. presidentkandidaten Andrei Sannikov sade genast efter att han frigavs från fängelsevistelsen där han utsattes för tortyr att KGB (inte bara säkerhetsstyrkorna) har gått mycket längre än sina motsvarigheter under Stalintiden (1937). Inte ens Stalin använde sådana avskyvärda metoder mot fångar, som man gör i Vitryssland. "Worse than Stalin".



Young Front leader Dimitry Dashkevich - an imprisoned hero - in great danger:
"Dimitri was thrown into a punishment cell for 13 days just after his transfer to barracks. Dashkevich later learned he was sentenced to additional days in a punishment cell for the offences he had  allegedly committed earlier. In response to a possible initiating a new criminal case,"

A prayer for Dimitri Dashkevich and Anastasia Palazhanka:

Dimitri imprisoned in a cooler on his birthday on July 20th?

Palazhanka: Dashkevich can remain in prison until 2016

Former presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich:

Mikalai Statkevich thrown into a punishment cell

Andrew Molchan beaten and arrested again:

Traffic policeman breaks his wand against biker-girl:

Free Kavalenka:

Eduard Lobau imprisoned:

Loreen supported Natalia Pinchuk, the wife of Ales Bialiatski:

Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks Message on the Holocaust Memorial Day 2012 - thank you!
Honoring the memory of Shoah 

"In the end, said Martin Luther King we will all remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...
...where there where protests it made difference" (Lord Sacks)

Photo: KL, Opposition's flag, Minsk, Belarus

fredag 13 juli 2012

The grace of Lord Jesus - Rich - Holy, holy, holy

The Message of the Church. (WELS devotion, July 11, 2012) Kyrie eleison! Matt. 23:23, Joel. 2:17a, Matt. 23:33b, Matt. 25:35-36. Ecc. 12:13-14

"You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." 2 Cor. 8:9

 Thank you, Jesus.


"Do you feel rich? An economist by the name of Robert Heilbroner once challenged people to imagine doing the following. Move your family into a building the size of an old tool shed. Have no electricity, no running water, no bathroom. Get rid of all your clothes except for one set. Keep one pair of shoes. Destroy all written material. Toss out all food except for some flour, sugar and salt, a few potatoes, some onions and dried beans. Throw away all your investments, pensions and insurance policies. Reduce your savings to ten dollars. Live about a three-hour walk away from the nearest clinic. And support your entire family raising crops on a few acres of land. Give a third of your crops to your landlord and a tenth of your crops to your money lender.

If you do that, says Robert Heilbroner, then you’ll know how over a billion people are living in the world right now. And then, perhaps, you’ll realize how rich you really are.

Now imagine something else. The world you live in is dark, cynical, senseless. If there is a God, you haven’t met him. If there is some grand reason for living, you don’t know it. And so you go to work, come home, cash your check on payday, get groceries, watch TV, catch up with the laundry on weekends, take in a ballgame with friends, discuss current events, pursue a hobby, vacation during the summer, go to the dentist, go to the doctor, feel your body getting old, put in for retirement, mow your lawn and weed your garden, watch your life get slower and smaller. And then you wait to die—empty, puzzled and frightened.
If you can imagine that, then you can imagine life without Jesus, life without the forgiveness, peace, joy, security, purpose and certainty of heaven that are yours in your Savior. And then, you, too, can realize how rich you really are."

Prayer (poor):
Forgive me, Lord Jesus, for all the times I have forgotten how rich I am in you. Empower me by your Spirit. Help me to see what I have with fresh insight. Amen.


Word of God:

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,  I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’" Matt. 25:35-36 (ESV)

- Kyrie eleison! 

Law and gospel:

Word of God:

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others." Matt. 23:23

 "Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6 (ESV)

"Between the vestibule and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep" Joel 2:17a (ESV)

"how are you to escape being sentenced to hell?" Matt. 23:33b (ESV)

"The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.  For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil." Ecc. 12:13-14 (ESV)

Photo: from Nepal by Joanna Lindén
The Lord is my Shepherd (Keith Green). Ps. 23:5-6
Amos 5:24

"Holy, holy, holy" (Keith Green)

onsdag 11 juli 2012

Yeshua is Adonai - word of God

Shalom! My true boss is a Jewish carpenter and God.

Isaiah 11:1. Luke. 23:6. John 1:49. Genesis 1:1. Colossians 1:15-17. Romans 9:5. Romans. 11:11. Romans. 11:18. 2 Corinthians 3:15-16.

Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus Christ) is YHVH "come in the flesh"


Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus Christ) is YHVH "come in the flesh."  Indeed, to say "Jesus Christ is Lord" (Phil 2:11; Romans 10:9) is to confess Him as Adonai -- or YHVH -- Himself.  According to the New Testament, salvation is experienced only by "changing your mind" and personally trusting that Yeshua/YHVH was executed as kapparah (atonement) for your sins, that He was physically pronounced dead and buried, and that He was raised from the dead in vindication of His glory and to function as our Kohen Gadol (High Priest) in heaven (1 Cor. 15: 3-4). There is no other Mediator before the Father and no other Name given to mankind for salvation (Acts 4:12).

See link!

"From careful consideration of these Scriptures, it is manifestly the case that Yeshua Ha-Mashiach is identified as no other than the LORD (YHVH) of the Tanakh, and is therefore to be worshipped, honored, and revered as YHVH.
    "For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: That all men should honour the Son (Yeshua), even as they honour the Father (YHVH). He that honoureth not the Son (Yeshua) honoureth not the Father (YHVH) which hath sent him." (John 5:22-23).

    He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
    (1 John 5:12)" 

"Angels sing in heaven" (Sasha och Anya Poberejny)

"Those who wait on the Lord"

"Holy is the Lord of Hosts"

(Thanks to Heidi Tyni for the songs above)

 "Above all" - like a rose...
Jes. 11:1


Word of God:

"There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse,
    and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit." (Isaiah 11:1, ESV)

"When Pilate heard this, he asked whether the man was a Galilean" (Luke 23:6, ESV).

"Nathanael answered him, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” (John 1:49, ESV)

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1, ESV) 

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together." (Colossians 1:15-17 ESV)

"To them belong the patriarchs, and from their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is God over all, blessed forever. Amen." (Romans 9:5 ESV)

"So I ask, did they stumble in order that they might fall? By no means! Rather through their trespass salvation has come to the Gentiles, so as to make Israel jealous." (Romans 11:11, ESV)

 "do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you." (Romans 11:18, ESV)

"Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed." (2 Corinthians 3:15-16)

"Es ist ein Ros entsprungen" (Mainzer Domchor):
Isaiah 11:1
"True man and true God!
He helps us from all trouble,
Saves us from sin and death."

"Das Blümelein, so kleine,
das duftet uns so süß;
mit seinem hellen Scheine
vertreibt's die Finsternis.
Wahr'r Mensch und wahrer Gott!
Hilft uns aus allem Leide,
rettet von Sünd' und Tod."

Israel (especially the Jews), the Middle East (especially Egypt) and Africa on my heart and on my mind.

Photo: Kerstin L. (a rose in our garden)

söndag 8 juli 2012

Word of God - a solid rock

Ps. 46:1 (KJV) "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble".

Ps. 8:1 "Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens."

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths".

Psalm 119

"Shout to the Lord" (Darlene Zschech)

"My Jesus, my Saviour
Lord there is none like You
All of my days I want to praise
The wonders of Your mighty love

My comfort, my shelter
Tower of refuge and strength
Let every breath, all that I am
Never cease to worship You

Shout to the Lord
All the Earth, let us sing
Power and majesty
Praise to the King
Mountains bow down
And the seas will roar
At the sound of Your name

I sing for joy at the work
Of Your hands
Forever I'll love You
Forever I'll stand
Nothing compares
To the promise I have
In You

My Jesus, my saviour
lord there is none like you
all of my days

I want to praise
the wonders of your mighty love

my comfort, my shelter
tower of refuge and strength
let every breathe, all that I am
never cease to worship you

shout to the lord, all the earth let us sing
power and majesty, praise to the king
montains bow down, and the seas will roar
at the sound of your name

 I sing for joy at the work
of your hands
forever I'll love you
forever I'll stand
nothing compares
to the promise i have
in you".

(Shout to the Lord) 

Adonai (Paul Wilbur):

God's love and grace:

 Above all:

 Agnus Dei:

onsdag 4 juli 2012

Imprisoned heroes - injustice in Belarus - Жыве Беларусь! The world is watching the ill-treatment of Mikalai Statkevich

Hebr. 13:3. Amos 5:24. 1 John 1:5. I hate injustice.
To my brave friends. Belarus; so near, so far away...in the heart of Europe. May God protect my friends.
Don't touch the imprisoned president.
Till mina (fängslade) vänner - hjältarna i fängelset Belarus. Victory to the imprisoned heroes. The important flag and the symbol of the beautiful country of Belarus. "Блаславі Бог Амэрыку! Жыве Беларусь!" (Michael Scanlan)

"As for me and my house" (John Waller)


Imprisoned: Mikalai Statkevich (former presidential candidate): Mikalai Statkevich is "a calm, confident and happy person" (his wife Marina Adamovich says)

"At the end of April 2012 seven people remained in detention in connection with their participation in the mainly peaceful demonstration on 19 December 2010, four of them have been recognized by Amnesty International as prisoners of conscience. Pavel Sevyarynets was sentenced to three years on 16 May 2011. Mykalau Statkevich was sentenced to six years on 26 May 2011. On 24 March 2011, Zmitser Dashkevich and Eduard Lobau were sentenced to two and four years respectively for hooliganism."  

Statkevich.org - News! A calm, confident and happy person (a president) under pressure and threatened by the regime:

(Thanks to Marina Adamovich) Igår fick Marina ta emot det 4:e telefonsamtalet på 6 månader från maken Mikalai Statkevich. Han "står i kö i väntan på att få plats i kylaren där han måste tvingas tillbringa 10 dagar (straffcell). Statkevich is waiting for "the cooler". He phoned his wife the fourth time in six months...

Statkevich is waiting for the punishment cell...  

Update: 6.7.2012 

Earlier: http://minkristnasamhllsblogg.blogspot.fi/2012/05/europe-we-have-big-problem-treatment-of.html
Mikalai: “They have tried out all kind of methods [against me], except for insect powder.”

"Блаславі Бог Амэрыку! Жыве Беларусь!"

M Scanlan: "I suggest a toast - to the U.S. independence and Belarus' freedom. Long Live Belarus!"

Alena Kavalenka applies to Red Cross for help for her husband Siarhei Kavalenka:

Mänskorättskämpen Ales Bialiatski - fängslad (Human rights activist, Ales Bialiatski, it is dangerous to talk to him and to show support, according to the regime)

"FIDH condemns the Belarusian authority’s attempt to silence all dissenting voices in advance of the Independence Day celebrations, and urges Belarusia to:

drop all the charges against Pochobut and cease all further harassment against him immediately;
stop all forms of harassment and persecution against journalists, human rights defenders, and opposition activists immediately;
immediately release all political prisoners; and respect freedom of expression and conscience as guaranteed by the Belarusian Constitution and international and regional standards binding upon Belarus."

Affärsman och Afghanistanveteran Autukhovich förnekas besök av sin hustru. Trots pressen på honom avstår han inte från sina principer och åsikter. 
The businessman and Afghanistan Veteran Autukhovich was denied a visit from his wife. Despite the pressure on him he can not refrain from his principles and views.

Autukhovich not allowed to meet with his wife. "They’re fools to think they can press me this way. I will never deny my views and life principles,” Autukhovich wrote in the letter.

"Autukhovich is an awarded Afghan veteran with health issues, he should be amnestied. Maybe that is why this nervous atmosphere is created around him, in order to provoke him to do something,” Oleg Volchek believes.

Andrei Molchan, beaten by the sadistic police:
"The court of the Pershamaiski district of Minsk issued a 800,000 ruble fine against an activist of European Belarus civil campaign. --- The policemen, who beat the activist, did not appear in the court. He thinks police chiefs from the Pershamaiski police department decided not to show sadistic officers."

Anastasia Palazhanka:
Dimitry Dashkevich prisoners of conscience (Amnesty International)

Disabled person fined for resisting forced fingerprinting. --- Ihar Leuchanka now does not have to be fingerprinted, as he is a disabled persons and thus not liable to military conscription".

"The UN Human Rights Council votes for appointment a Special Rapporteur on Belarus".

Trafikpolisen beter sig fullständigt olämpligt; slår ung kvinna på motorcykel.

"Today, the girl feels normally, but she is eager to achieve justice, beaten and offended.
"My chest and arm ache. It is a shame that the policemen use such methods. This is horrible, — Volha says. — I would like that this inspector is punished so that such things would never happen again".

"Parliament condemns human rights abuses in Belarus and points to the restrictive media law, constant reports of systematic and increasing harassment of civil society representatives and opposition activists and arbitrary travel bans and short-term detentions."

(Concentration camps in prison Belarus)

Aliaksandr Atroschankau:
"Amnesty International recognized Aliaksandar Atroschankau a prisoner of conscience. Lukashenka released him on 14 September 2011, under an international pressure. Aliaksandar told the Ukrainian Tidzhen about humiliations and other trials that the “politicals” have to go through in Belarusian jails".
Every day during the arrest in the KGB isolation cell I had to go through painful and humiliating physical procedures. They would order me to take my belongings, madras, bed sheets and pillows to the empty gym. I had to walk through a column of masked people. In the gym, they would tell me I’d been too slow, turn me around and make me jog back and forth with a 25-kilogram load seven times. Then they would order me to stretch my feet and arms and to stand like that facing the wall. They would open the window, -15 – 25 degrees outside. I had to stand naked, nearly in the splits. I felt them approaching me from behind, pushing with batons, clicking with electric shockers. This would go on for 40 minutes, one hour. I felt them breathing in the back of my neck, laughing, swearing."

Exiled journalist Natalia Radzina::

Natalia's story (Dan Rather)

Torture methods:

Torture methods (testimony by Human rights activist and lawyer Oleg Volchek):

Torture methods (testimony by former presidential candidate Ales Michalevic):

Earlier: Lukashenka's regime is worse than Stalin (torture testimonies) också på svenska:

Hebr. 13:3
"Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body."

Amos 5:24
"But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream".

1 John 1:5
"This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all" 

Photo: Opposition's flag, a gift from Minsk, Belarus.