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torsdag 10 maj 2012

Belarusian dictatorship is much more cruel and mean than the situation in Ukraine - Support the opposition in Belarus - More pressure on Lukashenka

Amos 5:24. SOS! KYRIE ELEISON - KYRIE ELEISON Siarhei Kavalenka is on hungerstrike again in Mengele prison!! EU - wake up and do not stand idly by!
Remember Chief Rabbi Lords Jonathan Sachs words. Politicians! Politicians! Do not dare sit there doing nothing when you can act on behalf of the Belarusian people! S Shushkevich: "14 political prisoners are kept behind the bars." Torture and extreme pressure. It's worse!

 *Don't forget imprisoned former presidential candidate M. Statkevich imprisoned in darkness! Pressure.

* Don't forget prominent opposition leader S. Kavalenka in Mengele prison on hungerstrike!

* Lukashenka is scared and nervous because of support for the opposition in Vitebsk (Solidarity) he cowardly asks women. Long live free Belarus with Lukashenka imprisoned! The well-organised opposition movement "Solidarity" is growing from town to town in Belarus - the white-red-white flag is a warning to Lukashenka. Secure?...Better check the door...
* Foton från Moskva 6.5.2012 (blodigt våld)
* Europe's last dictator (full version film) 
"Ukraine is far more important for the EU than Belarus. Actions of the EU are proportional to the size of the country. There are more grounds for pressure on Belarus. But Europe does not act in this way towards Belarusian dictatorship. There are many measures aimed at showing Lukashenka how he should behave. Europe has a wide armoury and they should not be afraid to use them.
I think that cancelling the Ice Hockey World Championship in Belarus, which had been already offered by Bundestag and Sweden parliament, are the right actions. It is wrong to go into a country where human rights are grossly violated. The right measure has been proposed, and I am sure it will work. There should not be two opinions on this issue in Europe,Stanislau Shushkevich said.


Angela Merkel:
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that people in Ukraine and Belarus suffer under “dictatorship and repression,” her sharpest comment since jailed Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko’s hunger strike. --- “Today, Germany and the European Union are living in peace and freedom,” Merkel said, noting that May 8 was the anniversary of the end of World War II. “Unfortunately, not all of Europe is, because in Ukraine and Belarus people are still suffering under dictatorship and repression.”

- The Belarusian dictatorship is much more cruel and mean than the situation i Belarus, Angela!


Political prisoners - tortured and under extreme pressure:

Presidential candidate Mikola Statkevich writes about the conditions in prison - living in darkness...
"When you look through the window, you see only a metal wall with plates. Sunshine can go through only in the morning cheering them up."

What is happening to prominent opposition leader Siarhei Kavalenka?
“I worry he was transferred to the place he had been during the first two months of his hunger strike. He had faced provocations there, including filming a video affecting not only Syarhei, but also his children. A complaint was filed to the prosecutor's office in this regard,” Alena Kavalenka, his wife said.

"Under the portrait of Sergei Kovalenko, the following text: "Sergei Kovalenko - a construction worker, 37 years, raises two children (10 months and seven years) and is the sole breadwinner of the family. His illegally sentenced to two years in prison for what posted Belarusian national white-red-white flag over the 40-meter Christmas tree in the city of Vitebsk. In protest, Sergey Kovalenko, a hunger strike demanding the repeal forged a political verdict. Belarusians demand release of our hero, fellow countryman!" 

Alena Kavalenka not allowed to visit her husband. Is Siarhei on hungerstrike again? He is still in critical condition.

Marek Migalski reminded that Kavalenka had developed serious health problems, and within two months he had been transferred for four times, without an opportunity to restore health.
Marek Migalski urged to provide access to an independent expert doctor for Kavalenka, and provide due medical aid for him, which would include hospitalization if needed, underlining that medical aid is one of the basic rights guaranteed to prisoners by the Human Rights Convention, signed by Belarus.

The woman was asked by police if her children had been near the medical university building on May 7, when a national white-red-white flag was hung out on the university hostel

People in Vitebsk supporting the opposition. Solidarity.

Foton från fredliga demonstrationer i Moskva:

EUROPE'S LAST DICTATOR (Film - full version):

Ingen puck åt Lukashenka - Inget ishockey VM 2014 - Idrott står inte över mänskliga rättigheter:


Statkevich's hustru Maryna Adamovich:

Dimitri Bandarenka:
"...a further 15 people remain behind bars. We, I and Andrei Sannikov, repeat all the time that for them the situation is worse. They are certainly under pressure. --- I can not say that our release was completely just because it was the impact of the West. After all, if we did not write these petitions, we would remain behind bars. And it is necessary to understand everything. Indeed, some politicians in the West for some reason people think that the issue of Belarus is  resolved. Actually - no. The issue of political prisoners is in a sharp, critical phase."

Prominent opposition leader not allowed to see his wife. Alena Kavalenka: “They said that he arrived in a critical condition. They did their best to improve his condition somehow, however they admit that he was transferred from them absolutely ill, with a whole bunch of problems and illness. I suspect that he is not allowed to be visited now because he announced a hunger strike again.”

Signed by 23 distinguished experts from the U.S. and European policy and pro-democracy communities, as well as leading European Parliamentarians, the letter calls on the IIHF to suspend its plans until Belarusian leader Alyaksandr Lukashenka unconditionally releases and rehabilitates all political prisoners and acts in accordance with accepted standards of governance in the treatment of Belarusian citizens.

Reminding authorities and politicians of Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sachs words:
"In the end, said Martin Luther King, we will all remember, not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends"./"Where there was protest it made a difference"/'Do not stand idly by the blood of your neighbor" Lev. 19:16  chief Rabbi Lord J. Sachs

Iryna Khalip on Telia Sonera:
Alla västerländska företag som samarbetar med diktaturregimer måste förstå att i samma stund som de skriver under ett kontrakt med regimen blir de medbrottslingar i förtrycket mot oppositionen och det civila samhället. De blir en del av det repressiva maskineriet. När det gäller TeliaSonera, så är det inte bara indirekt, utan direkt: 

Update on prominent opposition leader Siarhei Kavalenka.

The hearing of Syarhey Kavalenka's appeal against his prison sentence will resume in the Vitsyebsk Regional Court on May 18, the wife of the 37-year-old opposition activist told BelaPAN on Thursday.
"My husband is currently held in a solitary cell in a detention center in Vitsyebsk," Alena Kavalenka said. "I attempted to meet with him today, but jail officers didn't allow me in. I was denied permission to meet Syarhey next Monday. So I don't expect to see him until the May 18 hearing."

"My husband is currently held in a solitary cell in a detention center in Vitsyebsk," Alena Kavalenka said. "I attempted to meet with him today, but jail officers didn't allow me in. I was denied permission to meet Syarhey next Monday. So I don't expect to see him until the May 18 hearing."

En modig minidemonstration: Alena Kavalenka och sonen (7 år) samt två andra aktivister delade ut flygblad som handlade om mannen/pappan Siarhei Kavalenkas hungerstrejk i närheten av fängelset nr 2 i Vitebsk. Texten löd: 120 dagars hungerstrejk - frihet åt Siarhei han är oskyldig!

Opposition leader Siahei Kavalenka on hungerstrike - again:

Сергей Коваленко возобновил голодовку 

Сергей Коваленко возобновил голодовку Политзаключенный требует отмены незаконного приговора, освобождения узников совести и легализации национальной символики.
«Сергея поместили в тот же изолятор в Витебске, где в декабре в его отношении устраивались провокации. Он в очень плохом физическом состоянии, но ему отказывают в квалифицированной медицинской помощи, - сказала «Радыё Свабода» жена политзаключенного Елена Коваленко. - Согласно конвенции прав человека, которую подписала Беларусь, и Конституции нашей страны каждый человек имеет право на медицинскую помощь, где бы он не находился, если для этого есть медицинские показатели, а у Сергея они очень серьезные».
«Только почему-то такого права он лишен. За что его уничтожают? За любовь к Родине, родному языку и уважение к национальным символам», - заявила Елена Коваленко.

"Constitution of our country everyone has the right to health care, wherever he is" said Alena Kavalenka. Siarhei is deprived of this right because of his love of the motherland, mother tongue and respect for national symbols, "

"The Political prisoner requires the removal of the illegal sentence, the release of prisoners of conscience and the legalization of national symbols."

Read here - What a hero - Siarhei has presidential qualities:

Siarhei Kavalenka - Earlier - this is what it is about:
"Matt. 5:6. 1 Kor. 15:54. Rom. 14:8 (Save him!). A true hero. Honoring you. Kristuslikt lidande. Hur modig kan en mänska bli och vi vet det och vi förstår det ändå inte? Siarhei "river sönder sitt hjärta, inte sina kläder" Joel 2:13. Siarhei Kavalenka hungerstrejkar av solidaritet för sitt land och för de mänskorättskämpar och oppositionella som orättvist är fängslade av regimen, illa behandlade, slagna och torterade. Han är utlämnad till "Mengele-läkarnas" medicinska tortyr och Lukashenkos psyk-"vård". Siarhei är djupt troende, han vet att Jesus Kristus har gått i döden för honom. Siarhei vet att livet är heligt och han vill inte dö. Han är gift och har två barn. Han straffas för att han klättrat 35 m upp i den största julgranen i Vitebsk, Vitryssland (Belarus) dit han placerat den vit-röd-vita flaggan - en för frihetslängtande vitryssar helig nationell symbol. Detta är en handling som vittnar om alla vitryssars frihetslängtan och desperation. I Belarus får man inte öppet säga sin åsikt om förtryckarregimen och president Lukashenko. Fri media stryps tex. genom KGB-raider och "uppdagande av skatteskuld". Det händer att journalister försvinner. Fd. presidentkandidater sitter fängslade för att, just det, ha kandiderat i presidentvalet. Tala om hjältemod hos dem som kandiderat, väl medvetna om följderna! Valen är fuskval och uppgjorda på förhand. Ofta tvingas man rösta på arbetsplatsen under överinseende av arbetsgivaren. De fängslades familjer hotas av KGB. Mänskorättsaktivister sitter i fängelse oskyldigt dömda. Oppositionella; demokratikämpar, valarbetare och journalister svartlistas, nekas utresetillstånd, blir hindrade vid utresan och får passet beslagtaget (order från Lukashenko). Detta gäller även semesterresor. Regimens förklaring: man har svurit; använt fula ord...

Siarhei väljer att hungerstrejka - det enda motstånd han egentligen kan uppbåda mot KGB och Lukashenkos brutala övermakt. Han har förlorat halva (!) sin kroppsvikt efter att ha hungerstrejkat sedan december 2011 med ett kortare avbrott under vårvintern. Nu "vårdas" han på regimens psyksjukhus i värsta "Mengele-stil" med tvångsmatning genom rör och tvångsmedicinering - medicinsk tortyr. Troligen fastspänd. Familjen har endast sporadiskt fått träffa honom. Det har talats om en förflyttning till ett annat sjukhus, vilket enligt hustrun Alena Kavalenka, kan komma att kosta honom livet. Han är mycket svag och en del inre organ har troligen redan gett upp. Han har hostat blod. Han själv och familjen har önskat en förflyttning till ett "civilt" sjukhus, men det har man inte fått något gehör för. Om han dör är det president Lukashenko som direkt ansvarar för hans död och som ska stå till svars för mordet."



Siarhei har återupptagit hungersstrejken i protest mot den orättfärdiga fängelsevistelsen och -domen. Han lider tex. av anemi. Efter den långa hungersstrejken i 120 dagar, och i sitt utmattade tillstånd  borde han vara på sjukhus och inte i en fängelsecell. Hungerstrejken har påverkat hans inre organ som kräver medicinsk behandling och övervakning. Hans tillstånd kan vara livshotande.

Judgement Day is coming:

The Lord God, Almighty (Halleluja, amen) is the one to judge.

Foto: scarf och banderoll från Kiev, Ukraina som varit med under sammetsrevolutionen
The scarf and the bandana comes from the Orange revolution in Ukraine, Kiev some years ago.

Amos 5:24 "But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream."

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