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torsdag 23 januari 2020

US vice president Pence: “We must stand together” against the rising anti-Semitism

- During many years I have been posting on my blog for Holocaust Remembrance Day or the liberation of Auschwitz and about anti-Semitism. Today I am sharing the speech of US vice president Mike Pence at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem (75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz). Listen to his speech shared from the White House: "May He who creates peace in the heavens, create peace for us and for all the world." (Mike Pence)

The White House: "Vice President Pence delivers remarks at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum" (video 11:21) Listen!
"Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the Fifth World Holocaust Forum to Mark the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz"
“May he who makes peace in heavens make peace among Israel as well.”


The Times of Israel: "Pence: In spirit of Holocaust remembrance, we must stand strong against Iran"

- On Fox news ("Pence calls for world to 'stand strong' against anti-Semitism at Auschwitz liberation commemoration in Israel") you can read: 

"And finally," Pence said, "we must have the courage to recognize -- all the leaders and the nations that are gathered here -- that today we have the responsibility and the power to ensure that what we remember here today can never happen again."

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