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fredag 3 januari 2020

Christmas greetings - PM Benjamin Netanyahu sends Christmas greetings

Shalom! Jul- och nyårshälsningar. Inför Trettondag som är en av kristenhetens allra äldsta högtider. Christmas greetings. Epiphany 6.1.2020. Israels premiärminister B Netanyahu hälsar:

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday extended Christmas greetings to Christians in Israel and around the globe celebrating the holiday. In a video released by his office on Christmas Eve, Netanyahu said:

“Merry Christmas to all our Christian friends in Israel and around the world. “The State of Israel is the culmination of so many prophecies and our deepest held values. We share the common civilization, the Judeo-Christian civilization, that has given the world the values of freedom, individual liberty, the sanctity of life and the belief in one God. We are proud of our traditions. We are proud of our Christian friends,” he said."

The Times of Israel: "Netanyahu sends Christmas greeting to Christians: ‘We have no better friends’" (full text)

Foto: KL (3.1.2020)

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