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onsdag 8 oktober 2014

Belarus - "Lukashenka, go away!"

Lack of basic human rights. Standing for human rights and European values. Resistance. Proudly.

"Yury Rubtsou was often seen wearing a T-shirt bearing inscriptions ‘Lukashenka, go away!’

and ‘Fourfold President – not President but self-appointed tsar!’, which could not but irritate police and authorities. ---  When he called this trial a ‘mockery’, judge Kiryl Palulekh interpreted the words as an insult. ---  the accusations against the defendant was based only on the testimonies of the police who had arbitrarily detained him during the Chernobyl Path rally."

Belsat: "Opposition activist Yury Rubtsou to spend 18 months in open-type correctional institution"
"Mr Rubtsou was often seen wearing a T-shirt bearing inscriptions ‘Lukashenka, go away!’ and ‘Fourfold President – not President but self-appointed tsar!’, which could not but irritate police and authorities. ---  When he called this trial a ‘mockery’, judge Kiryl Palulekh interpreted the words as an insult."

Charter 97: "Eduard Lobau doesn't receive warm clothes in prison":
"A political prisoner continues to wear summer clothes, thought the weather became significantly colder. --- Maryna Lobava, the mother of the political prisoner, worries about the last months of her son's term, colds and possible provocations that would delay his release."

UCP: "Lukashenko Has No Right to Send Troops to Ukraine"
"The government which is not elected on free and democratic elections and not controlled by the people is always liable to take adventurous, silly, expensive decisions”. Alexander Lukashenko is ready to send troops without a decision by the UN Security Council, which is not consistent with national law and contrary to international law."

Fokus Vitryssland (Östgruppen) "Mörkt, trångt och rökfyllt häkte i Salihorsk"
Tortyrliknande förhållanden i fängelset: "Fönstren var dock för små för att släppa in mycket dagsljus, berättar Lemesj, och den bristfälliga belysningen var svår att uthärda. Sängar saknades också. I stället fanns ett slags träplattform – allmänt kallad ”scenen” – där åtta personer kunde sova tillsammans. Antalet madrasser var dock bara tre och eftersom upp till 15 personer var inhysta samtidigt fick många ligga på betonggolvet. Vidare gick det inte att spola i toaletten. För det ändamålet fick man hämta vatten från handfatet i en avskuren plastflaska – som man även använde till te, då det saknades koppar att dricka ur. Ventilationen var trasig eller otillräcklig och cellen fylld av cigarettrök."

Foto: Kerstin Lindén

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