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tisdag 24 april 2012

Israel is a light in the Middle East - Give peace a chance - A light to the nations

"Shema Yisroel": Martyr hero major Roi Klein's shout when he died to save his men from a grenade. Honoring him on Yom Hazikaron 24-25.4. May G-d strengthen his family. Silence. (1 Minute siren).

* PM Nethanyahu's message on Israel's 64th Independence Day. 
* Arutz Sheva: A tribute to IDF 
* Muslim, Zionist and proud

We also pray for Egypt and especially for the Copts - in the name of the Triune Lord God, Almighty. "God has done miracles in the Middle East before" (S. Lundgren) Ps. 113:3-6. Courage and faith!

Ps. 122:6-8. Mika. 7:7. Shalom! A song for the IDF soldiers (Hu Yivarech) "As they defend the rights of the Jewish people within our homeland, we must always keep the brave men and women of the IDF in our hearts and minds. This song, a prayer for their safety, and the well being of all mankind, should serve to inspire each of us to give them support and remain strong." Israel - 64 years of independence (Yom Ha'atzmaut)

* Pray for peace and understanding in Africa and the Middle East.
* Pray for the Jewish people
* Pray for Christians in the Middle East (Egypt)
* Discover Israel (video - have a nice trip!)
* Yom Hazikaron (24-25.4 Memorial Day : 22 993 fallen soldiers)
* Give peace a chance-video (ECI)

Song and prayer for safety (Hu Yivarech) Thanks to Nagy R.

Discover Israel (Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv) Thanks to David S.

"Give peace a chance"
"This website was created in order to present a short documentary about Israel’s legal rights in the context of the planned unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state at the UN in September. --- Our simple message to the Israelis as well as the Palestinians is this: Give peace a chance by unconditionally returning to the negotiating table to peacefully solve the conflict in the Middle East.

We believe that any lasting peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians need to be based on historical facts and international law and not on unilateral actions." (ECI/Tomas Sandell)

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem (beautiful and peaceful song) Thanks to Krystyna H.

Yom Hazikaron: http://www.touristisrael.com/yom-hazikaron-in-israel/6019/
Israel's official Memorial day for fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism.

Israel celebrates 64 years of independence (Thanks to Aulis K)

Israel: Defying all odds:

Threats against Israel (Thanks to Nagy Rezső)

Israel prepares to remember its 22 993 fallen soldiers due to racial violence, war and terror:

Israel remembers its fallen soldiers:

The face of a hero - martyr major Roi Klein died to save his men from a grenade:

1 minute siren in Israel:

PM Netanyahu's message on Israel's 64th Independence Day 2012:

A tribute to IDF (Arutz Sheva):


Muslim, Zionist and proud:

"Religious freedom for Christians in Egypts (the Copts) and other religious minorities hangs in the balance as Egyptians votes prepare to select a new president starting May 23. This is the first open presidential election in a generation. If votes favor a hardline islamist as president, existing religious freedom are at greater risk. At least one moderate candidate favors less state involvement in religion."

News http://www.copts.co.uk/

More news. http://www.aina.org/

Coptic Solidarity:

with a little help from my friends

"God has done miracles in the Middle East before" (SL=Svante Lundgren)

Ps. 113:3-6 "Från solens uppgång ända till dess nedgång skall HERRENS namn bli prisat. HERREN är upphöjd över alla folk, till himlen når hans ära. Vem är som HERREN, vår Gud, han som tronar så högt, han som ser ner så djupt vem i himlen och på jorden"

Mika 7:7 "Men jag, jag skall skåda efter HERREN, jag skall hoppas på min frälsnings Gud. Min Gud skall höra mig."

Ps. 122:6-8 "Önska Jerusalem frid! Må det gå dem väl som älskar dig. Må det råda frid inom dina murar, välgång i dina palats. För mina bröders och vänners skull vill jag önska dig frid."

Aposteln Paulus i Rom. 10:1 "Bröder, mitt hjärtas önskan och min bön till Gud för dem är att de skall bli frälsta."

Rom. 11:11 (!) Paulus: "Jag frågar nu: Inte har de väl snubblat för att de skulle falla? Visst inte. Men genom deras fall har frälsningen kommit till hedningarna, för att detta skulle väcka deras avund."

I Rom. 11:18 varnas de hednakristna för högmod: "då skall du inte förhäva dig över grenarna. Men om du förhäver dig skall du veta att det inte är du som bär roten utan roten som bär dig."

Ords. 3:5-6 "Förtrösta på HERREN av hela ditt hjärta, förlita dig inte på ditt förstånd. Räkna med honom på alla dina vägar, så skall han göra dina stigar jämna."

Ps. 19:8-9 "HERRENS undervisning är fullkomlig, den ger själen nytt liv. HERRENS vittnesbörd är sant, det gör enkla människor visa. HERRENS befallningar är rätta, de ger glädje åt hjärtat. Hans bud är klart, det upplyser ögonen."

Foto: JL

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