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torsdag 26 april 2012

Chernobyl 26 years after the nuclear disaster - Anatol Lyabedzka detained - and released - Lukashenka nervous

(Veterandagen i Finland: "He ain't heavy, he's my brother")
* See video (police extremely brutally beating a man in Minsk, Belarus). Rembember: Life is a sacred precious gift.
* Presidential candidate Statkevich?! 
* What is happening to Siarhei Kavalenka?
5 Mos. 4:39 "HERREN är Gud.". Amos 5:24. KYRIE for Belarus (mourning, praying with confidence): 40 persons detained, by unknown reason. Lukashenka is afraid of the youth and the truth. Deltagare i "Tjernobyl Way" (godkänd av myndigheterna) svårt misshandlade av polis. Mikalai Dzemizhenka and two others charged with disorderly conduct (art.17.1 Administrative Code) = 15 dagars fängelse för Mikalai Dzemidzenka. М.Мускій and М.Дземідзенка  sentenced to 15 days in jail for participating in a march (no freedom of speech).

The Belarusian opposition; Well-known Anatol Lyabedzka (UCP)  and well-known Young Front's M Dzemidzenka under pressure by police and KGB. Police tried to burst in to Mikalais flat. Later detained:

* UCP activist's homes searched by police. 
* Brave YOUNG FRONT leader Mikalai Dzemidzenka DETAINED. No contact with him.
* Russian party Jabloko (The youth) DETAINED - DESPITE ALLOWANCE of rally "Chernobyl Way".
* Remeber: 15 political prisoners still imprisoned (Presidential candidate Statkevich,  D Dashkevich, A Bialitski..) EU - wake up!!! DÅLIGT SVERIGE! FEL BESLUT! Ni kan inte kohandla med Lukashenka! I am deeply worried for the detained youth and for the political prisoners.


The leader of the UCP; Анатоль Лябедзька was detained by the police and KGB, according to Anatol Lyabedzka's own words, while he and some other members planned to vist and talk to local dwellers about ecological and social problems regarding the construction of a Belarusian nuclear power plant. Polis also stopped other aktivists and the leader Igor Simbireev of "Tell the truth".

* 50 pictures of Chernobyl 25 years after (skakande bilder).
* Film om Tjernobyl med svensk text, engelskt tal
* Lukashenka plans to build a second NPP in Belarus, or two.

Charter 97/BelaPAN:

"The leader of the United Civil Party (UCP), Anatol Lyabedzka, (Анатоль Лябедзька), and other UCP members were detained by the police on their way to the town of Astravets (the Hrodna region).
The politician says they were going to visit the town at an anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster to meet with dwellers of the district chosen for construction of a Belarusian nuclear power plant, BelaPAN reports." ---

“We planned to talk to local dwellers about ecological and social problems as well as about the possible damage to the town from construction of the NPP. We did not apply for an action, because we think we do not need special permission to visit Astravets and talk to town dwellers,” Lyabedzka said.

See the whole text:

Young Front under pressure:

"Kasia Halitskaya’s apartment was searched. The girl just was coming home when at the doorstep 5 unknown waited for her and attacked the girl unexpectedly."

FILM - Belarus Digest: Chernobyl Disaster on Discovery channel (film med svensk text, engelskt tal):
"In the early hours of April 26th, 1986, an explosion ripped through the Chernobyl power station in the Ukraine.The blast was to cause the worst nuclear accident, considered to have been the worst nuclear power plant accident in history. The Discovery Channel reconstruct what happened 26 years ago in this film."

Belarus Digest: The Echo of Chernobyl
"Over 50 million curies of radioactive material were released as a result of the accident. Its fallout encompassed a population of 17 million people, including 2,5 million children under the age of five. Even though the nuclear power plant was in Ukraine, the winds brought most of the radioactive fallout to Belarus. It quickly contaminated 23% of the country’s territory.
Thousands of inhabitants of the polluted area had to leave. Thousands of rescuers who worked at the disaster’s site suffered from immediate radiation sickness. Hundreds of thousands of people still suffer from the aftereffects of the accident.
Smaller areas in southern and south-eastern parts of the country became completely unsuitable for any human activity and still pose a threat of radiation spread. To monitor and research the situation there the authorities created Polesie State Radiation and Ecological Reserve.
According to international scientists, the increased cancer and infant mortality rates in Belarus suggest that the deadly effects of the Chernobyl disaster are still lingering."

Activists under pressure:

OBS! 50 PICTURES of Chernobyl 25 years after nuclear disaster:


In Ukraina:

Foton från Tjernobyl olyckan 26.4.1986

OBS! Lukashenka plans to build a second NPP in Belarus:

Charter 97, Lukashenka: "Give me two":
"Lukashenka is ready to build two nuclear power stations in Belarus, not one."

 26 år sedan Tjernobyl:
Det traditionella "Tjernobyl Way" har hållit årligen sedan 1988. Förutom frågan om kärnkraftsbygget kommer man att dryfta tex. frågan om politiska fångar.

Police tried to burst in to Mikalai Dzemidzenka's flat:

 I Minsk minns man årsdagen:


Stora brister vid kärnkraftverket i Tjernobyl redan innan olyckan:
bla. dålig kvalitet på byggmaterialet (tidigare sekretessbelagda dokument av Ukrainska KGB)

Chernobyl Way in Minsk (pictures):

Pictures (Young Front)

"Today has past 26 years after the Chernobyl catastrophe. The memorial event in Belarus today did not go according to plan. Around 2 pm, police stopped activists and the leader Igor Simbireev of "Tell the truth"." (via Infobelarus)

Foton från Minsk och uppmärksammandet av årsdagen:

UCP activist's homes searched by the police:
"283 copies of the newspaper Golos Razuma were withdrawn from Ivan Kruk. Mikola Ulasievich’s house in Varniany village, Astravets district, was searched, too, although the owner wasn’t home.
According to Ivan Kruk, his apartment was searched after United Civil Party leader Anatol Liabezdka left Astravets with party members. Today they have met with Astravets district residents, Radio Svaboda reports."

Fotoreportage (EU-flaggan och oppositionens flagga)

Young Front leader Mikalai Dzemidzenka and others detained.

Eight of the detained activists of the youth wing of Yabloko are reported to be in the Tsantralny district interior department.

Despite the rally format on the anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster had been authorized, policemen arrested activists and sound-amplifying equipment.

Chernobyl Way:

Lukashenkas hån av "sanktioner":

Mikalai detained - fängslad tillsammans med andra - ingen kommunikation:

The ambassadors returned - the political prisoners remain:

8 activists from Jabloko released and sent back to Moscow. 



Young Front (Pictures)

27.4.2012: 40 personer anhållna av okänd orsak (senare: för förargelseväckande beteende) efter att ha deltagit i demonstrationer under "Tjernobyl Way" (årsdagen av Tjernobyl) - av polisen godkänd tillställning. 40 persons detained by unknown reason after Tjernobyl Way. The demonstration was held by the allowance of the police.

Mikalai Dzemizhenka gripen och inför rätta idag:

Deltagare i "Tjernobyl Way" minnesdagen brutalt misshandlade av polis:

Everyone charged with disorderly conduct (art.17.1 Administrative Code).
14-30. "Ambulance took away Roman Vasiliev to  the 9-th city hospital. Michael M. reported that police beat them severely.
kl. 15.15. "Started a lawsuit against Michael M.. He said that he was beaten by police after his arrest. He asked her to call an ambulance. Judge Oksana Relyava adjourned."

A Young Front member beaten brutally by police was taken from the court building by ambulance.

Kl. 17.25 "15 dagars fängelse för M. Dzemidzenka. М.Мускій and М.Дземідзенка  sentenced to 15 days in jail!" --- Roman Vasiliev = 15 days in jail.


28.4.2012 (Earlier) See video showing police extremely brutally beating a man: 

Video som visar att Kyrkan också är med folket:
Long live Belarus!

28.4.2012. Presidential candidate Statkevich still imprisoned for 6 years:
His 85 years old father got a letter...(information via Marina Adamovich, his wife)
Statkevich can only call his wife once a month.
Presidentkandidat Statkevich's 85 år gamla far har fått brev från fängelsemyndigheterna med begäran om kontrollupplysningar. Varför plåga och störa den gamle mannen?

Alena Kavalenka vidarebefordrar Siarheis vittnesmål om övergreppen och tortyren under hungerstrejken på regimens sjukhus; Vitba 3.
Han var tex. fastbunden vid sin säng i 3 dagar och en lampa lyste över honom konstant. Han blev också slarvigt och avsiktligt felbehandlad i samband med införandet av kateter och förvägrades rätten att själv gå på toaletten.

Kavalenka tvingas till psykiatrisk undersökning i 24 dagar vilket i praktiken berövar honom möjligheten att ha kontakt med sina släktingar (enligt hustrun Alena Kavalenka).

What is happening to Siarhei Kavalenka?

“It's a pity protection of public interests collides with the interests of bureaucracy. It's a clear manipulation of the law. It was a meeting. Everyone has the right to meetings. But the main thing is that we won and a special presidential decree was not signed. We gained this important thing. But this is a ground to be punished in Belarus,” Dzmitryeu said.

Remember: Life is a sacred precious gift: 

Veterandagen i Finland - dagen till ära: "He ain't heavy, he's my brother"


"HERREN är Gud":
"Därför skall du idag veta och lägga på hjärtat att HERREN är Gud uppe i himlen och nere på jorden: Det finns ingen annan." (5 Mos. 4:29)

"Låt rätten flöda fram som vatten och rättfärdigheten som en ständigt rinnande ström."

Foto: Kerstin Lindén (Oppositionens flagga, Minsk, Belarus a gift from Minsk)
Amos. 5:24 

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