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lördag 17 mars 2012

Encouragement and COMFORT from the persecuted Church - Guds nåd, styrka, kärlek, hopp och TRÖST

A letter from the persecuted church (Beijing Shouwang Church) from outdoor worship service. Wonderful prayer by the persecuted Church for others (!): May peace and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the mercy and love of Father God, and the console and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, be with each brother and sister of Shouwang Church and all the churches who remember Shouwang Church in prayers, from this time on and forevermore! Amen.
Dear brothers and sisters:
Peace in the LORD! On this past Sunday, we held the eleventh outdoor worship service of this year. It was a sunny day, and believers continued to worship our LORD with faith and hope.
Last Friday, a sister was once again taken away to be detained in a hotel and was not released until Sunday morning. As far as we know, on Sunday morning, at least ten believers were taken away from locations near the platform for attending the outdoor service. Four believers were released on the way, and the rest of them were sent to four local police stations. The last four believers were released around 20:00 pm on Sunday.
During this special period of time, what we have experienced is a test for our faith; we are being exposed to our reality before God, and we see our weakness as well as all kinds of grace from God. We are thankful that God has been keeping us, building us up, and protecting our relationships with each other in this special circumstance, so that we can still face people around us calmly even we are under such a pressure. May the LORD sustain us, help us to love and care each other in unity, and strengthen us, so that we “turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it.” (1 Peter 3:11). May the LORD bless us and hear our prayers according to his abundant grace.

May peace and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the mercy and love of Father God, and the console and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, be with each brother and sister of Shouwang Church and all the churches who remember Shouwang Church in prayers, from this time on and forevermore! Amen.
Beijing Shouwang Church/China Aid
Outdoor worship service March 11, 2012



Shouwang församling tvingas fira gudstjänst utomhus och varje gång anhåller polisen några församlingsmedlemmar. Under dessa prövningar får de, medan de ser sitt verkliga tillstånd inför Gud och upplever sin egen svaghet, se många exempel på Guds nåd. De är tacksamma för att Gud bygger upp dem och beskyddar deras inbördes relationer under dessa speciella omständigheter, så att de lugnt kan möta andra trots pressen de utsätts för. De ber att Gud ska bevara dem, hjälpa dem att älska varandra och vårda varandra i enighet och stärka dem till att: "vända sig bort från det onda och göra det goda, söka efter frid och sträva efter den." (1 Petr. 3:11). De ber om Guds välsignelse och att han ska höra deras böner efter sin överflödande nåd.

De ber: "Må Jesu Kristi nåd och frid, barmhärtighet och kärlek från Gud, vår Fader, tröst och ledning av den Helige Ande, Försvarsadvokaten vara med varje broder och syster i Shouwangs församling och med alla kyrkor som kommer ihåg församlingen i förbön, nu och alltid. Amen."

Photo: Kerstin L. (kinesisk smörboll)

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