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onsdag 9 november 2011

By grace through faith in the perfect work of Jesus

WELS (Today's devotion 7 nov.)

Divine separation

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father.”

Matthew 25:31-34


"Bob never lacked for self-confidence. He considered his life and his accomplishments, and was completely satisfied. There were no unattained goals. There were no unfulfilled plans. There was also no hesitation on Bob’s part to let people know what he had done.

One day his friend, Richard, asked Bob a question. “I know you have been successful in this life, but what plans have you made for the life to come?” Bob was speechless. He tried to recall things he had considered unimportant from his “church going days.” Nothing came back. Now, without an answer, his confidence was shaken.

The question which left Bob speechless is one I need to consider seriously. What will prepare me for the life to come? What will prepare me for the time when the Lord will separate people one from another?

That day is coming. It is Jesus’ promise and his warning, and both need to be taken seriously. When that day comes, “he will separate the sheep from the goats.” Namely, the Good Shepherd will gather his sheep into his fold (John 10:14-16). When this divine separation takes place, what will enable me to be welcomed as one of his sheep?

I could try to rely on all the good things I have done. Unfortunately, these will be discarded because my good will never measure up to God’s standard of perfection. I could also try to convince myself God will welcome me because he won’t punish anyone. That is equally untrue, because God will hold all people accountable for what they have done.

The only way I will be welcomed as one of his sheep is through faith in the perfect work of Jesus. Through his sinless life, I am credited with the perfection God requires. Through his innocent sacrifice on the cross, I am declared not guilty of all my sins. Through his victory over death and the devil, I am released from the judgment I deserve. This is the only way I will hear those precious words: “Come, you who are blessed by my Father.”

Jesus is coming again in glory. It is his solemn promise. How blessed I am that he has prepared me for that day. How blessed I am that he has enabled me to know where I will stand on the day of divine separation.


O gracious Savior, I thank you for cleansing me from my sin and preparing me to stand ready on the day of your return. Help me live every day with this confidence and to your glory. Amen!"

Today's devotion 7 nov.


Photo: Kerstin L.

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