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onsdag 22 april 2015

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn - great speech on the persecution of Christians

www.charismanews. Powerful outcry.

'Where are all the resolutions?' "Where are all the troops?' 'Where are all the actions taken to protect the most persecuted people on earth?'  'And where's the universal outcry?'  It's a strange and immoral silence, the same strange and immoral silence that allowed 6 million Jews to be delivered to their deaths."

Charismanews: "Rabbi Jonathan Cahn Addresses United Nations About Christian ‘Holocaust’" (the text) Read!
"The persecuted Christian is the caged canary of the modern world. The Christian is the first target of evil, and so the sign and the alarm of a toxic evil in the world and a growing danger. And if we don't deal with that evil when it targets others on distant shores, we will surely deal with it when it targets us on our own shores."

Video (13:04) The speech (Listen!)

Photo: Kerstin Lindén

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