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onsdag 29 april 2015

Kazakhstan - Vadim Kuramshin has begun a hunger strike to protest against harassment

Kuramshyn.org/npravo.org (Вадим Курамшин объявил голодовку протеста!)

/ Fundamental Freedoms in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan Twenty Years after the Soviet Collapse (report). Fängslade mänskorättsförsvararen Vadim Kuramshin hungerstrejkar i protest mot trakasserierna.

Report on the human rights situation: 5. Recommendations (p. 35)

5.1. Recommendations to the authorities of Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan

With respect to freedom of expression and the media:

"Put an end to excessive control of the work of media and refrain from using state media as tools of ideological propaganda.

Ensure that independent media and journalists do not face politically motivated legal charges or other forms of harassment for publishing reports that examine and assess the conduct of officials and other public figures.

Abolish excessive restrictions on the use of the internet and other electronic media and do not limit access to online content or other information simply because you do not like or agree with it.

Stop persecuting civil society activists, political opposition members and other dissidents who are openly critical of the authorities, as well as their families and friends.

Immediately and unconditionally release all civil society activists, political opposition members and other individuals who have been imprisoned in retaliation for exercising freedom of expression and other fundamental rights. Drop the charges against all individuals who have been arrested and prosecuted on such grounds.

With respect to freedom of association and assembly:

Ensure that legislation on the implementation of freedom of association and assembly in your countries is consistent with international human rights standards.

Do not suppress peaceful protests staged by citizens in order to express their concerns and misgivings and do not punish the participants in such actions by detaining them or imposing fines or other penalties on them.

Allow independent NGOs and opposition political parties to obtain legal status in a fair and transparent process, as well as to carry out their activities freely and without undue interference by authorities.

Do not obstruct the work of international human rights NGOs in your countries.

With respect to freedom of religion:

Bring legislation on the practice of religion into line with international standards, taking into account recommendations made by international experts, representatives of different religious communities, as well as human rights defenders.

Abolish the ban on the activities of unregistered religious communities and ensure that all religious groups that so wish can be registered in a simple, transparent and fair process.

Ensure that no one is punished for the peaceful and legitimate exercise of freedom of religion and take effective measures to counter intolerance and discrimination against religious minority communities.

Release all who have been imprisoned on religious “extremism” and other charges on the grounds of their religious beliefs and practice."

Civic Solidarity:

A Sobering Reality:
Fundamental Freedoms in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
Twenty Years after the Soviet Collapse
March 2012:


Vadim Kuramshin's blog:

News about well-known human rights defender Vadim Kuramshin:

npravo.org: It is getting worse...
Vadims hustru, Ekaterina Kuramshina skriver att Vadim's situation bara blir värre för varje år som går. Han trakasseras bla. för att han vilat sig på sin säng och fängelsepersonalen har beslagtagit hans bokmanuskript. Den 27 april inledde han en hungerstrejk i protest mot kränkningarna och trakasserierna. Utländska observatörer och/eller representanter från EU borde göra ett fängelsebesök för att närmare följa med vad som händer. Den politiska förföljelsen måste stoppas.


The Public Committee for the release of Vadim Kuramshin encourages non-governmental organizations, human rights defenders, journalists, community leaders, civil society activists, politicians... to join the campaign for the protection of the well-known Kazakh human rights activist and international award-winning lawyer Vadim Kuramshin.

Vadim Kuramshin (före och efter fängslandet)

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