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tisdag 13 maj 2014


"Heavenly Father, we join our hearts together at this moment and ask you to intervene in the nation of Nigeria.

We pray for peace in that nation and that those that are trying to undermine what You are doing would be overruled by Your power in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in Nigeria as it is in heaven!

We pray specifically that You would protect the schoolgirls that were captured and that Your angels would surround them in this ordeal. Soften the hearts of their abductors and cause them to release the girls unharmed so they can return to their families. We thank You for hearing and answering our prayer, in Jesus' Name, Amen!

(Don Moen/Voice of the Persecuted)

Voice of the Persecuted: Religious Leaders : “We want concrete action to free kidnapped girls”; maybe some of them are in Central Africa
"These girls face unbelievable torture.  One thing the media has not mentioned and that is these girls are Christian!  And now Boko Haram is taunting and mocking more of the community by announcing that these girls have converted to Islam.  This abomination must stop, the world leaders must be held accountable. "

BBC: Nigeria kidnapped girls 'shown in Boko Haram video'

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Foto: Kerstin Lindén

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