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torsdag 26 november 2020

North Korea is the Lord's bride - the most amazing believers in the world

 North Korea. Persecution; "the command of God or his prize".

ICC (International Christian Concern)

The Secret to Breaking the Stranglehold in North Korea

"There is a letter. This is from Andrew Kim Taegon. He was in prison. He was going to be killed, and here’s the letter, and just feel this. Listen to it. “My dear brothers and sisters, know this, our Lord, Jesus Christ, birthed the Church through his own pain. Now 60 years since the Church entered Korea, the faithful suffer persecution again, and many of our friends, including myself, have been thrown into prison. However, as Scripture says, God cares for the least hair of our heads and therefore how can the persecution be considered as anything other than the command of God or His prize?” Do you hear that? The command of God or His prize."

"He (Hwang Jang-yop) said that the way to break down the stranglehold of the mind-control over the people of North Korea was through the Gospel message. Because people in North Korea don’t understand that they have human rights, that they are, just by virtue of being born, entitled to certain human rights. And Hwang Jang-yop (the right-hand man of Kim Il-sung) came to embrace that, that there was a loving God who created us.

And so he felt that the Gospel message was the most powerful way to change that stranglehold they have over the people of North Korea, who are raised from childhood to worship the dictator." (ICC)

ICC: "The Secret to Breaking the Stranglehold in North Korea" (full text and video 7:56)


"So think about this. Everything that’s happened to North Korea, first of all the split in the Koreas. There’s the split. There was the Korean War. There was the Japanese invasion. All this happened after this massive revival. And all that to me says that, look, North Korea is the Lord’s bride. He poured His love in there. He birthed so many people. He has not forgotten them. Satan cannot kill off His work. And when the doors open, and they will open, North Korea’s going to be free. You watch. It’s just a matter of time. Then we’re going to hear all the secret stories. We’re going to hear it all about how the church survived and what happened, and the most amazing believers in the world. Sometime soon, you’re going to hear their stories, so keep in prayer for North Korea and believe that she will be free. It’s going to happen. Let’s pray that day soon."


North Korea is number 1 on Open doors World Watch List 2020 (the persecution is extreme)




Constant stress, constant threats

"If North Korean Christians are discovered, they are deported to labor camps as political criminals or even killed on the spot. Driven by the state, Christian persecution in North Korea is extreme and meeting other Christians to worship is nearly impossible unless it’s done in complete secrecy. A recent increase in diplomatic activity, starting with the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, has not changed anything for Christians in the country."


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16 ESV)

- We have prayed for North Korea together with Friends of the Martyred Church. 

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