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måndag 9 november 2020

ECI: Balfour was historic, but the San Remo conference set into motion rebirth of the Jewish state

- Tomas Sandell for European Coalition for Israel (ECI) wrote: "Last week marked the 103rd anniversary of the Balfour declaration. Here is my latest article on the Balfour declaration of 1917 and the San Remo resolution of 1920." 

allisrael.com: "We just marked 103 years since British issued the famous Balfour Declaration" (Tomas Sandell, founding director of ECI)

"Balfour was historic, but the San Remo conference set into motion rebirth of the Jewish state – here’s the story few know"

"The San Remo Peace Conference, which came together in the small city of San Remo on the Italian riviera from April 19-25, 1920 incorporated what had essentially been a British foreign policy objective, the Balfour Declaration, and made it into legally binding international law.

To understand the significance of this decision one only needs to look at the reaction of Chaim Weizman, who represented the Zionist organizations in San Remo and would later become the first president of the State of Israel.

He called the San Remo resolution “perhaps the most momentous political event in the whole history of our people since the exile.”

Watch the full and HD video of the EC4I TV special celebrating 100 years for the San Remo resolution (video 58:30).



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