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måndag 27 juni 2016

Storbritannien - A commentary by former Belarusian presidential candidate and diplomat Andrei Sannikov (in exile)

Sommartid hinner jag inte blogga så mycket och jag har inte heller alltid tillgång till dator och nätkontakt där jag stundvis befinner mig. Detta innebär också avkoppling och är bra. Men här är ett mycket bra inlägg i en aktuell debatt om folkomröstningen i Storbritannien via Charter 97.

"Brexit” is a victory of democracy and a defeat of common sense. Actually, not of democracy, but of the irresponsible populism, which influence on the Western democratic institutions is becoming more and more noticeable. Europe is in mourning, the Kremlin is celebrating. --- The war, unleashed in Ukraine, is paying off: Europe is creaking at the seams.

In fact, “Brexit” was logical. Europe’s inability to cope with the crisis on its borders, the surrender even to the kolkhoz dictatorship of Lukashenka, could not but lead to upheavals within Europe itself."

Charter 97: "Andrei Sannikau: European Union should be urgently reformatted" (See the full text)

Foto: KL

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