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lördag 5 april 2014

Mellanöstern - Kristna är särskilt utsatta - "...something very dark happening throughout the world to our most precious, the children"

Religionsforskaren Svante Lundgren konstaterade i förra veckan i Svenska Dagbladet: ”Även om man silar bort överdrifterna kvarstår faktum att förföljelsen av kristna har nått förfärliga proportioner.” - Syria, Egypt, Iran...

Dagen.se (läs hela artikeln): "Arabisk vår blev de kristnas vinter"
”Till alla globala ledare: Vakna! Vi är inte skyldiga till detta. Hur skulle ni känna om ni var i vår sits?” säger Rania, 14 år. --- Att berätta om detta och uppmärksamma de kristnas situation är inte bara en solidaritet med kristna systrar och bröder, utan också en demokratisk plikt."

Egypt: "Muslim Brotherhood Supporters Attack Church, Four Dead"
Friday — the day when Muslims meet for prayers, the day when their imams incite attacks on churches and other forms of terrorism — in Ain Shams, a suburb of Cairo, “Muslim protesters attacked a Coptic Orthodox Christian church on March 28. Four people were killed in the attack on the church, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and Archangel Michael. Among the dead are a 25-year-old journalist and a Coptic Christian worshipper. When Egyptian security forces intervened, violence spread throughout the surrounding neighborhood. Muslim radicals are frequently whipped up into frenzy by their religious leaders on Fridays when they gather for prayer.”

Egypt: "The missing girls"

Syria (Asbarez): Reports Cite 80 Dead in Kessab; Churches Desecrated
On Saturday, March 22, Syrian troops launched a counteroffensive in an attempt to regain the border crossing point, eye-witnesses and state media reported. However, on Sunday, March 23, the extremist groups once again entered the town of Kessab, took the remaining Armenian families hostage, desecrated the town’s three Armenian churches, pillaging local residences and occupying the town and surrounding villages.

Christians united for Israel: "Iran's oppressed Christians":
When you’re Christian in Iran, you can’t speak. You have to keep quiet and not talk about the truth that you know and that you believe in,” he told me. “There is no such thing as a comfortable life in Iran.”

Voice of the persecuted: "Why Does The World Turn It’s Back On The Persecution Of Children?"
"There is something very dark happening throughout the world to our most precious, the children. In the Middle East, they are being used as pawns, tortured, raped, maimed and even killed. Used to force parents to convert or confess. There are horrific stories reported about these abuses. Reports recently from the UN show children starving, eating grass and living in boxes in Syria. --- Children are very precious in God’s eyes.  They are not considered less in His eyes.  Every child is a gift from heaven.  We have done a great disservice to these suffering children of the world, ignoring the atrocities committed against them. Hearts have closed to their plight.

There are reports of torture that no one should endure, cigarette burns, ripping out of fingernails, rape, and even death. And targeted by rebel snipers in Syria.  There are credible reports that children are recruited as soldiers."

Photos: Kerstin Lindén (fire in a basket and picture of Svante Lundgren, Teol.dr, docent i judaistik, mentioned above) 

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