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fredag 29 maj 2020

ECI - Israel on valid legal and historical ground


– “Only peaceful dialogue, not punitive measures, will move the peace process forward in the Middle East”, said ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell on Tuesday in response to an earlier statement made by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, who has threatened to take “punitive measures” against Israel if the new Israeli government goes ahead with its plans to annex Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan valley."

News from European Coalition for Israel (ECI): "Peaceful dialogue, not punitive measures, is the way forward in the Middle East" (May, 20th 2020) Full text: 
“In order for the European Union to play a pivotal role in the peace process, it needs to engage constructively with all partners in the region, including Israel”, Sandell added.

“The most effective way for the EU to promote peace in the region is to immediately make the funding to the Palestinian Authority conditional on respecting the Oslo Accords and fundamental universal values, including the need for peaceful co-existence with the Jewish state. And there can be no peace in the region as long as the institutionalized incitement to hatred and violence continues in Palestinian schools”, he explained."


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San Remo 100 & Give peace a chance

"On April 27, 2010, European Coalition for Israel hosted the 90th anniversary of the signing of the San Remo Resolution, which paved the way for the creation of the modern State of Israel. Since that date, we have continued to provide educational resources about the legal foundations of the State of Israel based on the San Remo Declaration of 1920 and the Mandate for Palestine of 1922.

In order for you to have better understanding of the importance of the San Remo declaration for modern State of Israel and to be effective in advocating for Israel’s legal rights, we have decided to provide you with these resources to better comprehend the legal position of Israel as it relates to international law."

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