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lördag 3 oktober 2015

Students in Oregon killed for being Christians - Kristna elever valdes ut vid dödsskjutning i USA


"A prayer for Roseburg, Oregon:

Heavenly Father, we grieve with those who grieve the sudden death of family and friends in Roseburg, Oregon. We ask you to comfort them with the hope of resurrection to eternal life through faith in Jesus. Teach us all to number our days, that we may gain hearts of wisdom. Amen."

New York Post: "Oregon gunman singled out Christians during rampage":
"A gunman singled out Christians, telling them they would see God in “one second,” during a rampage at an Oregon college Thursday that left at least nine innocent people dead and several more wounded, survivors and authorities said.

“[He started] asking people one by one what their religion was. ‘Are you a Christian?’ he would ask them, and if you’re a Christian, stand up. And they would stand up and he said, ‘Good, because you’re a Christian, you are going to see God in just about one second.’ And then he shot and killed them,” Stacy Boylen, whose daughter was wounded at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Ore., told CNN."

Dagen: "Kristna elever valdes ut vid dödsskjutning i USA"
- Enligt vittnesuppgifter ska kristna ha fått ställa sig upp innan de avrättades. --- Han började fråga människor, en efter en, vilken religion de hade. "Är du kristen?" frågade han och bad dem att ställa sig upp om de var kristna. Om de ställde sig upp sa han "Bra, eftersom du är kristen kommer du att möta Gud om bara en sekund". Sedan sköt han dem, berättar Stacy Boylen, till CNN."

Voice of the persecuted: "Martyred in America for Christ":
"Months ago, who would’ve thought that precious saints attending a prayer meeting would never return home to their loved ones? Instead, they’re now in the presence of the Lord.

Who would have thought young American students on their way to class would be targeted for their faith in Christ, never to return home to their families? They too now rest in the presence of God. --- The reality of persecution and martyrdom has come to America. --- Let us remember our brothers and sisters, these precious saints who were slain. Let us pray that their blood not be shed in vain. Let us pray that much seed will come out of their death. Let us pray comfort on those impacted by this tragedy. Let us pray that out of this tragedy God will bring triumph.

My brothers and sisters, let us pray in the midst of this, that Christ be lifted up and His name be glorified."

Voice of the persecuted: "Oregon massacre singling out Christians for murderr is standard practice among islamic jihadis":
"For the record, there is a precedent here:  Whenever Islamic terrorists raid large centers where Muslims and Christians are intermingled — especially universities — they routinely separate Muslims from Christians, before massacring the latter.

For example, last April in Kenya, gunmen from the Somali Islamic group, Al Shabaab—“the youth”—stormed Garissa University, singled out Christian students, and murdered them, some beheaded."


"Abide with me":
"Abide with me; fast falls the eventide;
The darkness deepens; Lord with me abide.
When other helpers fail and comforts flee,
Help of the helpless, O abide with me. ---

Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes;"

Photos: KL

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