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måndag 11 augusti 2014

Wise words: "we can be confident, we have been marked, with the sign of the holy cross"

"Acknowledging the horrors of Christian persecution worldwide, particularly in recent days in Iraq, LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison issued a statement. In the statement, “Making a faithful confession,” Harrison offers four suggestions:

 * Repent, “for our own lack of faith, for our confidence in passing, transitory things rather than in the holy things of God (2 Thessalonians 1).

* Remember, “that the world is not our friend and it is not our home” and that “we are simply Christians, citizens of a better land, a different kind of country, of heaven itself (1 Peter 2:11).”

 * Ready, by studying Scriptures, catechisms and hymns “so that — if God in His infinite wisdom allows this suffering to befall us, too, one day — we are emboldened by the Word of God, which is in our hearts and on our lips (Romans 10:9ff).”

* Rejoice, at the memory, on Aug. 10, of St. Lawrence, who remained cheerful as he was burned alive for his “faithful confession” and “fidelity” (1 Peter 1:3-8).

As Christians, we can be confident in the days to come, Harrison writes, “because we have been marked — just like the Christians in Iraq — with the sign of the holy cross on our foreheads and on our hearts in the waters of Baptism. ---

“In that gift, Christ promised us eternal life, salvation, comfort, mercy, even joy with Him, despite what the world and all its evil send our way. And He always makes good on His promises.

Harrison also asks for prayers “for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are persecuted so ruthlessly in Iraq,”

LCMS (read the full text):

"This is the letter "N" in Arabic. It stands for Nazerene and is what is being put on the doors of Christians in Iraq to make it easier for terrorists ISIS to find and kill them. The women are being raped as their children are beheaded and husbands are being crucified." ICC

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