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tisdag 26 augusti 2014

Qatar is aggressively financing radical Islamist movements

"It is time for the world to wake up and smell the gas fumes. Qatar has spared no cost to dress up its country as a liberal, progressive society, yet at its core, the micro monarchy is aggressively financing radical Islamist movements. In light of the emirate’s unabashed support for terrorism, one has to question FIFA’s decision to reward Qatar with the 2022 World Cup."

Nytimes.com (Ron Prosor Aug. 24, 2014 (full text):
"Only a few nations still stand by Hamas. Among the most prominent is the tiny Persian Gulf emirate Qatar. --- To bring about a sustained calm, the message to Qatar should be clear: Stop financing Hamas."

Link above thanks to ECI.

European Coalition for Israel: "ECI makes urgent appeal on behalf of Iraqi Christians - Christians and Jews face common enemy"


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