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onsdag 15 januari 2014

North Korea worst for Christians - ignoring human rights - Världens mest slutna land med fruktansvärda mänskorättsbrott och förföljelse av kristna

Nordkorea. Massive crimes against humanity. Concentration camps and gulags.
"Escape from Camp 14", North Korea

"For the 12th consecutive year, this is the place where Christian persecution is most extreme. The God-like worship of the leader, Kim Jong-Un, and his predecessors leaves no room for any other religion, and Christians face unimaginable pressure in every sphere of life. Forced to meet only in secret, they dare not share their faith even with their families, for fear of imprisonment in a labor camp. Anyone discovered engaging in secret religious activity may be subject to arrest, disappearance, torture, even public execution."(WWL 2014)

Shin Dong-hyuk - "Escape from Camp 14, North Korea" Video 3:54
Bok finns på svenska: Flykten från läger 14. Shin föddes av föräldrar utvalda av fängelseledningen. Han fick ingen kärlek, svalt, blev ständigt misshandlad, tvingades bevittna avrättningar och trodde att det var rätt eftersom regimen anser att den som bryter mot landets idé och ledning ska straffas intill tredje generationen. Han lyckades fly, men kände sig länge mera som ett djur än en människa.

"Interview with Shin Dong-hyuk about his experiences in a North Korean prison camp and his dramatic escape. He is the only person born in a North Korean political prison who has ever escaped."

Shin - born and raised in a concentration camp (long video 1:06.46) :

CSM - North Korea's hidden labour camps exposed:
"What North Korea hasn't been able to control, however, is the sky above it. In recent years, satellite photos have revealed a network of brutal prison labor camps, a gulag system hidden for decades, mostly in the mountains, housing as many as 200,000 prisoners, with some camps as big as small US cities."

Dagen - "Han riskerar livet med bibelballonger":
"Vi måste kämpa mot ondskan i Nordkorea"

Fox news (New report) Video 9:15

Asia's 5 worst dictators 2013:
Worst: "Kim Jong-un, Bashar al-Assad, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Nursultan Nazarbayev and Islam Karimov." 

World Watch List: Map 2014

World Watch List 2014: North Korea: worst for Christians
"For the 12th consecutive year, this is the place where Christian persecution is most extreme. The God-like worship of the leader, Kim Jong-Un, and his predecessors leaves no room for any other religion, and Christians face unimaginable pressure in every sphere of life. Forced to meet only in secret, they dare not share their faith even with their families, for fear of imprisonment in a labor camp. Anyone discovered engaging in secret religious activity may be subject to arrest, disappearance, torture, even public execution."

 Kim Tae Jin (One with them story):

North Korean Christians share Christ at risk of death in concentration camps:


Foton: Kerstin Lindén


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