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onsdag 8 maj 2013

Jerusalem Day - life is better for everyone in an open and shared Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty

"On this day, we should also be reminded of the sacred pledges which were made following the Second World War, never again to let down the Jewish people when facing an existential threat; never again to let their safety and security be dependent on the goodwill of their host countries, but rather to reaffirm the right to their own homeland – the modern state of Israel.

As early as 1920, at the Paris Peace Conference adjourned to San Remo, this unbreakable connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel was recognised in international law by the Supreme Council of the Major Allied Powers in what was to be called ”the reconstitution of the Jewish state.” (May 8, 2013 The Times of Israel/Tomas Sandell)

The Times of Israel (read more): "Jerusalem Day is also Victory Day"

Earlier: San Remo's mandate - Israel's Magna Carta

Photo: KL
(detalj av böneduk från Israel)

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