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tisdag 23 september 2014

Belarus - "the authorities can arrest anyone for any reason..."

Belarus in Europe 2014 (Try to be politically active under these circumstances) :

Imprisoned presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich "faces various minor quibbles more often", his 88-year-old father has received a threatening letter

Former political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich under "supervision", the authorities can arrest anyone for any reason..." 

Viasna: "Prison censors confiscated Mikalai Statkevich's letter to his father"
"He also writes that he faces various minor quibbles more often,"

Radio Free Europe - Radio Liberty:
"The 88-year-old father of a jailed Belarusian opposition leader has received a threatening letter that he says is government pressure on his son."

Charter 97: Viktar Statkevich and Maryna Adamovich file complaint about threats to police
"Let's see if the police will investigate it properly.”

Charter 97: Zmitser Dashkevich: They just gave me a longer chain
"I was happy that I finally became free, but it soon turned out that they just gave me a longer chain. It's good that now I am allowed to go outside Minsk. Three violations lead to the return of the preventive supervision. Three more violations can lead to a prison term. They say the restrictions were imposed for a year. But I am pessimistic about it, taking into account that the authorities can arrest anyone for any reason..." 

UCP: "Liabedzka and Sevyarynets to Present Their Books in Bobruisk"
Work. On the road again. Roads are different in Belarus...

Photo: K Lindén

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