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tisdag 5 november 2013

We still sing - "You use the weak to lead the strong" - remembering the persecuted and oppressed

Encouraging songs. Hebr. 13:3, 2 Cor. 12:9 (God's mathematics) Dashkevich detained.

* "Great is your love and justice God. You use the weak to lead the strong."

* "healing and grace, in our weakness"

* "He will carry you", * "Perfect peace" 

"I’m hoping that while secret believers can only whisper their songs of praise, you will sing this song boldly. --- "The reason we sing" (thanks to Voice of the persectued) 

"The reason" (song):

"Wonderful merciful Savior": "healing and grace in our weakness"

"He will carry you":

"Your grace is enough" - "Great is your love and justice God. You use the weak to lead the strong."

"Perfect peace"

Voice of the persecuted: "Why is Catholic priest still detained by KGB police"? (Belarus)

Presidentkandidaten Mikola Statkevich som är fängslad plågas av sömnbrist pga en störande granne som ropar och smäller i järndörren var 10-15 min. Detta kan förliknas vid tortyr. Dessutom krånglar fängelsemyndigheterna och tar inte emot medicinförsändelser. Former presidential candidate Mikola Statkevich is deprived of sleep due to a annoying neighbor. This is torture! And he did not receive medication package.

Dzimitri Dashkevich detained:


Kazakhstan: (Persecution.org)
Christians are worse than spies!? Pastor imprisoned:

Human rights defender and lawyer Vadim Kuramshin imprisoned and tortured for 12 years in "Gulag-prison" for human rights work:

These songs and bibleverses are encouragement for all secret believers and oppressed and persecuted Christians all over the world (pray for pastor Saeed imprisoned and tortured in Iran)

Petition for Saeed Abedini:

2 Cor. 12:9
 "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 

Hebr. 13:3 
"Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body." 

Photo: KL (opposition's flag, gifts from Belarus)

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