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måndag 24 september 2012

"Voting" in "elections" in Belarus - KGB - threat - hot under "valen" i Belarus

EU, OSCE - statements

DGB- list over persecution, incidents and the repression regarding the "elections" last Sunday in Belarus:

Just an example:

KGB threatens Slonim observer:
"Andrei Lishyk, member of the Belarusian Popular Front’s Slonim office, who is currently acting as observer at polling station No. 18, was visited by the KGB agents.
According to Andrei, two persons with KGB IDs came to his place and told him to quit election observation. “If you continue observation, you won’t find a job even on a third-rate farm,” said the agents."


UCP-leader Anatol Ljabedzka (Анатоль Лябедзька) commenting: http://www.charter97.org/en/news/2012/9/24/58868/
"These are lies, manipulations, and falsifications. And this is the answer to the question why they wouldn’t allow their opponents to the electoral commissions, why the political censorship wouldn’t allow even these 5-minute TV and radio addresses. This is a complete discredit to the electoral system in Belarus. It’s a dead-end”.

Pavel Seyarynets, Belarusian Christian Democracy party:
“There was no 'election'. It was a farce. It was an attempt of the regime to force Belarusians to vote, but it failed. Our observers report voter turnout was very low. The farce failed. Ballot rigging, substitution of ballots and ballot boxes are crimes. These crimes committed by the authorities against Belarusians, against the people of Belarus, against God. Depriving Belarusians of the right of choice is devilry. Even God gives people the choice either to believe in him or not,” the politician said." 

Martin Schultz commentary:
"I deeply regret that parliamentary elections in Belarus have yet again failed to meet international standards of fair and transparent polls.
With opposition leaders remaining imprisoned, with some opposition candidates denied registration, with the people's voice silenced, it was a mockery of a democratic ballot."

Parliamentary elections September 23, 2012

Photo: Kerstin L. 

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