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torsdag 19 december 2013

Han som kom ner - There is a Redeemer - Tacksamhet

"Sedan Johannes hade blivit fängslad, kom Jesus till Galileen och predikade Guds evangelium. Han sade: Tiden är fullbordad och Guds rike är nu här. Omvänd er och tro evangelium!" Mark. 1:14-15 "Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”

"Han som kom ner." En sång om Jesus Kristus, Guds Son och om varför han kom till jorden.

"Han som kom ner":

"There is a Redeemer" (Keith Green)

"O Christ, our true and only Light,
Enlighten those who sit in night;
Let those afar now hear Thy voice
And in Thy fold with us rejoice.

Shine on the darkened and the cold;
Recall the wanderers to Thy fold.
Unite all those who walk apart;
Confirm the weak and doubting heart.

(Hymn ELH 198:1,5 "O Christ, our true and only Light"/Evangelical Lutheran Synod)

WELS-devotion: "The word became flesh"
"When you love someone, you open yourself up to the chance of being badly hurt. You take the risk of having your heart broken. That is exactly what God did for you. In love, the Almighty became vulnerable. And he had more than his heart broken. He had his flesh scourged, his brow pierced, and his limbs nailed. But the hardest part of his vulnerability was when, while carrying our sins in his flesh, he felt the separation from his Father."   

"This Christmas we celebrate the birth of the lamb who would take away the sin of the world. We celebrate his coming and his staying with us. This celebration and our joy need not stop because the presents have been opened and the Christmas tree is taken down. We praise God all year because of his forgiveness and salvation that is ours in Christ. Merry Christmas my fellow sinners. In the name of Jesus, Merry Christmas my fellow saints. "

Photo: Kerstin Lindén (kors i FC, Jakobstad 2013, och stjärna hemma hos oss)

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