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torsdag 4 maj 2023

Finland continues to support Ukraine; freedom, territorial integrity, sovereignty and all the principles of international law

 - On Wednesday May 3, 2023 The President of Ukraine, Volodomyr Zelensky, made a historical surprise visit to Finland to attend a meeting of Nordic Prime Ministers.

Yle writes: "Speaking at a press conference following the meeting, Zelensky said his nation's fight is also helping to keep Finland safe.

"When we are strengthening our lines of defence, when we are restoring our borders, we are strengthening the borders of all our partners, including of course Finland. The old capital of the aggressor state is within several hundred kilometers from here, from Helsinki, but due to our joint security efforts, your historic winter fight for freedom and our brave fight now, the aggressor will never make its way to Helsinki," Zelensky said."

Yle.fi/R Browne (full text):

"Ukrainian President Zelensky thanks Finland for continued support, calls for more weapons"


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