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lördag 7 januari 2017


LCMS. Epiphany

"The story of the Magi is that of distant people coming to Christ.  The light draws the wise men from far off to worship Him. The Church calls people who are isolated from God to come. But the invitation is not to some idea or theory but to “God in man made manifest” (LSB 394). The Church’s mission is to call sinners to communion with the life-giving flesh of Christ.

The first Sunday after the Epiphany takes us to the waters of the Jordan. There John baptized Jesus, who numbers Himself among sinners.  The bright dove, the Holy Spirit, points out Christ in the water. Outreach to the world and into the Church points to the same water.  Those whom the mission calls to join Christ and His Church are called to the light of Christ in Baptism."

Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod:

Photo: KL

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