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tisdag 20 augusti 2013

Coptic homes, churches and companies were marked with paint before the burnings and abuse - Coptic Kristallnacht - Satanic violence

Eph. 5:14, Esther 4:14. Is. 44:6, Rev. 5:6
www.persecution.org (International Christian Concern) Washington times: “[T]his systematic attempt to eradicate Christians along with Jews is nothing less than ethnic cleansing.” Jerusalem Post: Christians under siege (Shalom Jerusalem!)

Exclusive report ICC president Jeff King: "Coptic homes and churches were m-a-r-k-e-d with paint before the burnings as with the Nazi's painting Jewish companies and homes with the star of David!" 

Word of God: 

Eph. 5:14 (ESV) “Awake, O sleeper," 

Esther 4:14 "for such a time as this" 

Is. 44:6 "Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: “I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god."

Rev. 5:6 Rev. 5:6 "And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain"

Persecution.org: Exclusive report:

"KABC Radio Interviews ICC President, Jeff King on the latest update from Coptic Christians in Egypt:

In an interview with KABC Radio, ICC President, Jeff King shares a special report on how the Coptic Christian community is responding to the attacks in Egypt. He also distinguishes the difference between the Muslim brotherhood and Al-Qaeda, and what tactics the Muslim brotherhood uses to target and abuse the already vulnerable Coptic Christian minority." (ICC)

Coptic Kristallnacht:
"The Muslim Brotherhood’s systematic and coordinated attacks against Christians in Egypt are reminiscent of Kristallnacht in Germany in 1938, when Nazi paramilitaries systematically vandalized Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues and murdered scores of Jews in a disturbing foreshadowing of the fate of European Jews over the next few years ."

"First the Saturday people, then the Sunday people":

Fox news: Christians being marked:
X-marked: "Christian homes and businesses in Minya have reportedly been marked with black X's to single them out for attack."

- The Copts are being X-marked (or is it a cross? Satan is a copy cat. The cross and the blood means salvation = life, but the barbarian's cross means death. The cross of Jesus and his victory is stronger! It was the Star of David for the Jews. This is truly Satan's hate because he hates the cross of victory and the Lamb of God. Satan, you are recognized and you already lost. The Lamb that was slaughtered is sitting on the throne. Rev. 5:6 "And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain" (ESV)

Muslim brotherhood supporters attack St. George church: (this is evil)

Egypt - time to weep, mourn and pray:

ACLJ - "Egypt's Christians brutally attacked - do we care?
"Christians are being targeted and killed as the world watches in near silence.  The Washington Times put it bluntly, “[T]his systematic attempt to eradicate Christians along with Jews is nothing less than ethnic cleansing.”

 Robbery and sacrilege:
No one knows exactly when the Virgin Mary Church was built, but the fourth and fifth centuries are both possible options." --- Dozens of churches were burned and destroyed in the largest attack on Coptic houses of worship since 1321. A complete tally is still to be written. But in its latest report, the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, Egypt's best human-rights organization, documents a total of 47 churches attacked, of which 25 were burned, seven looted and destroyed, five partly damaged, and 10 attacked without sustaining heavy damage. --- A Coptic exodus has been under way for two years now in Egypt. --- The landscape of the country is changing along with its demography. A few synagogues stand today as the only reminder of the country's Jews. Which churches will remain standing is an open question."

Israelnyheter: "Varför nonchaleras kristnas lidanden undrar Jerusalem Post":

Jerusalem Post - Christians under siege:
"The nonobjective criteria for free world outrage are particularly mystifying given the fact that hardest hit of all are the native churches – such as Syria’s Assyrians or Egypt’s Copts. These are among Christianity’s oldest sects and their members comprise the vestiges of ancient indigenous populations." --- The Copts – whose Church traces its origins to 50 CE Alexandria – are now popularly portrayed as foreign interlopers who scheme to undermine Islam in the Land of the Nile." --- Effectively, Egypt had been rendered judenrein. These days, many Copts are emigrating."

Petition: The UN Office of the Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide: Investigate the violent activity of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt



"Be still my soul" (Never forget Shoah!)

"New world symphony" (Antonin Dvorak):

"Going home" (Sissel)

"Our God is greater" (Chris Tomlin)

"Kyrie eleison" (Mozart Requiem)


Foto: KL (Karleby stadsförsamlings kyrka, sidoaltare, Jakobstads kyrka Menorah) 

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