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tisdag 8 januari 2013

Jesus Christ - Savior of all

"I need to remember what God did when Jesus was born. It is an amazing account. As God’s true and only Son, Jesus could have turned away from the plight of sinful people. Instead he humbled himself and came to this earth. He took on flesh and blood.  He subjected himself to the demands of God’s perfection. He even allowed himself to be rejected, crucified and buried to rescue sinners from the same sentence."

"After they [the Magi] had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh."

Matthew 2:9-11


"The visit of the Magi is inspiring and amazing.  It’s hard to envision these men traveling hundreds of miles as part of a camel caravan.  They had to face inclement weather.  They had to endure the threat of armed robbers.  They even had to overcome the uncertainty of following an uncharted star.  What is equally amazing is what they did when they reached their final destination.  They presented their rare and precious gifts to the child Jesus.

As I consider Matthew’s account of the Magi’s visit, I am tempted to focus only on them.  While their actions are amazing and inspiring, there is a greater story here which triggered their response.  It is the birth of Jesus Christ, who is not only King of the Jews but also the Savior of all.

I need to remember what God did when Jesus was born.  It is an amazing account.  As God’s true and only Son, Jesus could have turned away from the plight of sinful people.  Instead he humbled himself and came to this earth.  He took on flesh and blood.  He subjected himself to the demands of God’s perfection.  He even allowed himself to be rejected, crucified and buried to rescue sinners from the same sentence.  His story is amazing because it is filled with undeserved love and unbounded compassion.  That love he demonstrated for the world, and for me.  Even though I am a sinner who deserved only his justice and never-ending punishment, Jesus loved me and came to rescue me.
It is his amazing story which inspires me to respond with my love.  My first desire might be to offer him a precious treasure such as the Magi did.   Another option might be to try to offer him numerous assurances of obedience.  Those are worthy responses but the ultimate thing I can offer my Savior is a grateful and loving heart.  It is this kind of heart which rejoices in his Word, which delights in his forgiveness, and which follows his direction faithfully.  This response is even more precious than those of gold, incense and myrrh.

The account of the Magi is amazing and inspiring.  What is no less amazing is the love my Savior has shown me, and which inspires me to love and serve him in return."


Dear Jesus, I thank you for being my Savior and bringing me your undeserved love.  Help me cherish this precious gift and live in it until I join you in heaven.  Amen.


Bach cantate BWV 65 "Sie werden aus Saba alle kommen"

Foto: Julia Lindén (julen 2012) 

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