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måndag 9 december 2019

ECI - news: Annual Policy Conference marks 60 years of EU-Israeli diplomatic relations

Shalom! ECI news:

- Tomas Sandell: "there could be no Europe without the influence of the Jewish people, but it is equally true that there would, humanly speaking, be no modern State of Israel if it were not for important decisions made in European cities such as Basel (1897), London (1917) and San Remo (1920). But the complicated, and sometimes tragic relationship between Europe and the Jewish people is also sadly recorded at other European locations, such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, Mauthausen and Theresienstadt."

ECI: "ECI Annual Policy Conference marks 60 years of EU-Israeli diplomatic relations – Without the technological contributions of modern Israel, Europe would come to a standstill" (full text)
“The day all Israeli technology would be removed from Europe, our continent would come to a standstill”, said ECI Special Envoy, Dr. Andreas Kelling. “The fact of the matter is that Europe may need Israel more than Israel needs Europe, hence the EU should cherish this special relationship instead of adding restrictive conditions.”

ECI: "European report November 2019" (video):
"European Court ruling on Israeli goods produced in Judea and Samaria. Simon Barrett is joined in the studio of the European Parliament by MEP Karoline Edtstadler, ECI Director for UN Affairs, Gregory Lafitte and ECI Founding Director Tomas Sandell."

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