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tisdag 15 november 2022

"Expel Chinese communist party police; shut stations down"

 - This is quite strange and alarming!

OFWI (One Free World International) writes: "The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is operating illegal police stations in the United States and Canada, a new report from Safeguard Defenders revealed. Their reports found the CCP is operating at least 54 illegal police stations around the world, with 3 in Toronto and 1 in New York City." (TORONTO, November 8, 2022 (Globe Newswire)

OFWI: "Expel Chinese communist party police; shut stations down"


Majed El Shafie, President & Founder of OFWI says: “Chinese security agents have no business being here and we are calling for them to be expelled immediately.” El Shafie adds “Canada and the United States must put a stop to this. We must defend our sovereignty and stand up for the universal values of human rights. We must do more to stand with the people of China who are suffering under the tyrannical rule of Xi Jinping’s communist dictatorship.”

OFWI (7 November 2022): "Expel Chinese communist party police; Shut their stations down" (3:51)


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