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tisdag 5 juni 2012

Human rights defender Aleh Volchak awarded - documentary film at festival in Poland

Belarusian human rights defender awarded. Congratulations!
Belsat, May, 22, 2012.

"The documentary by Zoya Katovich (screen version by Alena Antanishyna) was filmed as part of Belsat TV cycle “Unknown Belarus”. At the XVII International Catholic Film and Multimedia «Niepokalanów 2012» Priest Shaplevich’s kids received the second award in TV Programs category. The Festival took place on May 9-13, in the cloister of Niepokalanów, which is situated south of Warsaw.

About the film:

It is the story of the man who was a captain in the Polish Army but later started preaching the Word. Father Stanislau Shaplevich resisted the Soviet system by his good deeds. After the Second World War the Dparov church parishioners hid their hunted priest for eight years and half. Even under such conditions Father Shaplevich continued serving God and helping people. But the priest was betrayed and Soviet security service officers arrested him.

Having gone through the hell of Gulag, Stanislau Shaplevich returned to Belarus. Till his dying day in 1975 he represented morality and strength of mind at this time of totalitarianism. Priest Shaplevich’s kids are people who keep his memory in their hearts.

The unique archive recording was used in the film. The role of Father Shaplevich was played by Aleh Volchak, a Belarusian human rights defender."

Belsat nyhet:

Гэта гісторыя чалавека, які змяніў зброю на слова Божае. Праз словы і добрыя справы айцец Станіслаў Шаплевіч з вёскі Дарава, што каля Баранавічаў, супрацівіўся савецкай сістэме. Пасля вайны вернікі хавалі свайго ксяндза на працягу некалькіх гадоў. Святар нават у канспірацыі працягваў служыць Богу і людзям. Але ў выніку здрады яго схапілі супрацоўнікі Міністэрства Дзяржаўнай Бяспекі. Станіслаў Шаплевіч вытрымаў пекла Гулагу. Пасля вяртання ў Беларусь ён да смерці ў 1975 г. служыў узорам сілы духа і маральнасці ва умовах таталітарнай улады. "Дзеці ксяндза Шаплевіча" гэта людзі ва успамінах якіх жыве вобраз іхнага святара.

У фільме выкарыстаныя ўнікальныя архіўныя матэрыялы а ролю ксяндза Станіслава Шаплевіча грае вядомы праваабаронца Алег Воўчак.

Беларусь, 2011 г.


Oleg satt nyligen i fängelse i Belarus:

Den modige mänskorättskämpen och juristen Aleh som fördömde polisens misshandel av unga aktivister säger efter frisläppandet ur fängelset att förhållandena fortsättningsvis är fruktansvärda. Det är kallt, vått och smutsigt. Maten är mycket dålig, speciellt brödet. Varje dag anhöll han om att få ta en promenad och en dusch men under 9 dagar tilläts han endast två gånger att ta frisk luft och duscha två gånger. Aleh dömdes till 9 dagars fängelse för att ha "svurit" dvs. han försvarade ungdomar som brutalt misshandlats och fängslats av polisen pga fredlig demonstration.  

Fängslades pga detta:
"Svordomarna" = att säga att det är kriminellt av polisen att slå ungdomar som bara fredligt säger sin åsikt:

"Beating up young activists of political organisations by policemen is an almost indispensible part of their detention during street rallies and even in their own flats."
"it is not actions of policemen, it is crime. And it is a vivid sign in the run-up to the ice hockey championship, in what kind of country it will be held." 

(Congratulations and thanks to Oleg Volchek!)

Foto: KL (oppositionens flagga, från Minsk, Belarus)

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