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onsdag 20 maj 2015

Tolerance? A new kind of state religion is demanding enforcing social conformity

Sweden - and Finland?
Human rights. Freedom of religion. Conscience.

Dagen: Skrev abortkritiskt - stängdes av från jobbet (Läs om Frida - se uppdatering!)

Nationalreview.com: "Sweden prides itself on being a tolerant nation, but its new state religion leaves little room for “heretics.” It will now be up to the Swedish courts to decide whether those who want to hold to traditional Christian beliefs against abortion will be banned from working as midwives."

"Ask a Swedish Pro-Life Midwife about Her Country’s Reputation for Tolerance":
"Ellinor Grimmark. In 2013 she was denied an extension of her contract at Höglandssjukhuset women’s clinic in southern Sweden because she refused to perform abortions. She told the women’s clinic at the hospital that she believes life begins at conception. In a voicemail from the head of the maternity ward, Grimmark was swiftly informed that she “was no longer welcome to work with them” — despite a large need for more medical staff — and was challenged about “whether a person with [pro-life] views actually can become a midwife.”

A resolution of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe affirms that no person shall be coerced or discriminated against because of a refusal to perform abortions. Sweden ignores this. Most European countries, including Nordic neighbors Norway and Denmark, allow for conscientious objection; Sweden is the rare exception. It barely tolerates those who think contrary to the norm."

Dagen: Skrev abortkritiskt - stängdes av från jobbet: 
"Den officiella linjen från både fack och arbetsgivare är denna: Den barnmorska som inte kan ta hand om abortpatienter får söka sig ett annat jobb.

– Men jag vet många kollegor som inte har någon uttalad religiös tro, och som ändå tycker aborter är jobbiga. Det är vi som tar hand om fostren och moderkakan och flera mår dåligt av det, säger hon.

– Ändå håller de flesta barnmorskor tyst av någon anledning, eller pratar väldigt lågmält om sina känslor."

Photo: KL

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