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måndag 13 januari 2014

Belarus: Well-known UCP leader Anatol Lyabedzka beaten and harassed - the next person to disappear?

Belarus dictatorship 2014 in the centre of Europe:

Anatol was beaten; punched in the kidneys and illegally detained for collecting signatures. He was taken to a mass grave for victims of the Stalin-era, in Kurapaty. Is he going to be the next person to disappear?


Radio Free Europe:

Charter 97:

Persons disappear in Belarus:

"The Parliamentary Assembly has been concerned for over two years by the disappearances of Yuri Zakharenko, former Minister of the Interior (disappeared on 7 May 1999), Victor Gonchar, former Vice-President of the Parliament of Belarus (disappeared on 16 September 1999), Anatoly Krasovski, businessman (disappeared at the same time as Mr Gonchar), and Dmitri Zavadski, cameraman for the Russian television channel ORT (disappeared on 7 July 2000)."



Anatol Lyabedzka's family received the news about his "disappearance" very fast. That's very good!

Photos: KL

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