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tisdag 30 december 2014

Jul- och nyårshälsningar - Christmas and New Year greetings - Chinese Christians celebrate Christmas in secret

IV. China. South China Morning Post/Beijing Shouwang Church/China aid

Chinese Christians forced to celebrate Christmas in secret
"A group of Christians gathered in an apartment above a Beijing dental surgery on Christmas Eve, the atmosphere jubilant as a choir belted out carols, but the curtains had to remain tightly closed.

Unofficial Christian groups have long been subject to crackdowns, but the atmosphere appears to be worsening as their numbers increase and the governing Communist Party takes a more nationalist tone under President Xi Jinping.

Members of Shouwang, a Beijing Christian group who held the Christmas Eve service, have faced more trouble than most. --- “But Christmas is still a happy time. No matter what happens, God is with us, - This summer in the eastern city of Wenzhou, sometimes known as “China’s Jerusalem” because of its large Christian population, police stormed churches to force the removal of crosses.

The crackdown affected more than 400 churches in eastern Zhejiang province, according to the US-based rights group China Aid, with some churches completely demolished. --- “God will protect us.”

Photo: Joanna Lindén-Montes (2014) Solidarity. Merry Christmas from Finland!

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