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onsdag 19 mars 2014

Iran is torturing Christian pastor Saeed Abedini - he is denied medical treatment for internal injuries received from prison beatings

ACLJ: "Despite Iran’s change of administration, we have witnessed no significant improvement in Iran’s overall human rights situation. 

While Iran has begun to shift its rhetoric on human rights, the United States remains deeply concerned that Iran continues to suppress free expression and civil society, harass members of its ethnic and religious minority populations, and imprison human rights defenders and journalists for political purposes. . . .We take this opportunity to call once again for the release of dual U.S.-Iranian citizen Saeed Abedini, who is currently being held in Iran on charges related to his religious beliefs."

(Quote: Paula Schriefer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs,)

ACLJ. Read full text and news about pastor Saeed Abedini:
Pastor Saeed has been withheld critical medical treatment in violation of his human rights. He is in critical need of surgery after prolonged internal injuries he received from prison beatings.

Be heard project (petition and facts):

Photo: Internet

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