Ukraine. Bön för en fredlig och rättvis lösning. Freedom, justice and peace.
'THIS IS A REVOLUTION': Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians take to streets in the largest protests the country has seen since since 2004. Anti-government protesters now control of parts of central Kiev, including the famous Independence Square.
Here's why the protests matter " (quote thanks to George Thomas, CBN)
"What caused the protests? --- The trigger was the government's decision not to sign a far-reaching partnership deal with the EU, despite years of negotiations aimed at integrating Ukraine with the 28-nation bloc."
Hufvustadsbladet (A-L Laurén)
"Vi viker inte en tum"
"Fler än 40 journalister från bland andra AFP, AP, Reuters och The New York Times har misshandlats i samband med protesterna i Ukraina. OSSEs medierepresentant Dunja Mijatović riktar skarp kritik mot polisen, som också pekas ut som förövare i många fall."
"Flera kyrkoledare i Ukraina har uttryckt sitt stöd för de pro-europeiska protesterna som i dessa dagar uttrycks i landet. Bland annat har den ukrainska grekisk-katolska stor-ärkebiskopen Sviatoslav Shevchuk och den ukrainsk-ortodoxe patriarken Filaret uppmanat till en fredlig lösning på konflikten och uttryckt förhoppningar att protesterna skall leda till ett rättvisare Ukraina."
Charter 97
Former Belarusian presidential candidate in exile Andrei Sannikov: "The whole world and millions of Belarusians are looking at you with hope today and wish you victory. You have come out to the streets in order to stand for your freedom, your right to choose European future for Ukraine. Europe cannot be considered complete without Ukraine, as well as without Belarus. The European Union is the only association of countries in the world, where democracy and human rights are in the forefront."
Civic Solidarity:
"The forcible dispersal of a peaceful demonstration on Independence
Square on November 30 not only violated Ukraine’s constitution, but also
Ukraine’s international obligations related to freedom of peaceful
assembly, freedom of speech and protection against torture and other
cruel punishment. --- The situation in complicated by the fact that Ukraine is the 2013
Chairman of the OSCE. The chair country should be a leader in
demonstrating the will to fulfill its OSCE obligations and the guarantor
of a rapid OSCE response to extraordinary and crisis situations,
including in the human dimension."
CNN: Ukraine: Why its future lies with the EU -- not Russia
"Many in Ukraine feel today that they have reached a final junction. They
do not want to miss what may be the last opportunity in many years to
come for a principal, some even say civilizational, choice between
Europe and Russia, democracy and dictatorship, sovereignty and
subordination, prosperity and poverty, modernity and mayhem."
The Moscow Times:
The Moscow Times:
Photos: Kerstin Lindén
flag above in this post is my flag from the "Orange revolution" in Kiev square,
2004. Denna oranga flagga var med vid den "Oranga revolutionen"
2004-2005 på torget i Kiev, Ukraina och är en gåva av en högt uppsatt
polis som (tvingats)
lämna Ukraina. Hans uppfattning om Yanukovich och Yushchenko var
ungefär: "den ena är lite mindre korrumperad" och avsåg
Yushchenko. I samband med att jag fick flaggan hände spännande
saker; en rullstol sändes till Ukraina och försändelser hittade också vägen över gränsen till Vitryssland/Belarus.
The Flag below is a gift from Minsk, Belarus
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