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tisdag 18 september 2012

Kyrie eleison! Persecution in Kazakhstan - pastor in jail - torture

Ps. 46:1. 1 Kor. 12:26. Hebr. 13:3 KYRIE ELEISON. Persecution. Injustice. Torture. Extreme cruelty. A cry for Kazakhstan - but the Church is still singing! Mourning. Mourning (precious human life).
Compass direct org, September 17, Almaty/Vadim Kuramshin Kazakhstan jails pastor. Pray for the pastor (strenght) wife & children. For the people.
- Pastor and father of five children, who has carried a cross for more than a decade.

 U.N. considers him a refugee; Kazakhstan disagrees
A former Uzbek house church pastor is in a Kazakhstan jail, awaiting a ruling whether he will be returned to his native country, even as Kazakhstan’s Supreme Court considers whether to declare him a refugee from almost-certain persecution.

Makset Djabbarbergenov was arrested Sept. 5 in Almaty, Kazakhstan’s financial center and largest city. Uzbekistan wants him back to face charges that he practiced religion outside state regulation.

It’s not the first time Djabbarbergenov, 32 and the father of four – soon to be five – has been detained by authorities who have frowned on his leadership of unregistered Christian communities. But he told a friend he has been shaken by this arrest.

Speaking from his jail cell, Djabbarbergenov told the friend he was too disturbed to eat during the first few days of his incarceration. To shield his identity, Open Doors News is not reporting the name of Djabbarbergenov’s friend. At first, Djabbarbergenov told his friend, he told God he did not want this cross. Now, he said, “I pray that if this is from you, Lord, I will accept whatever you say. Just help me carry it.”

He has carried a cross for more than a decade. Born in Uzbekistan in the small town of Symbai, Djabbarbergenov became a Christian in 2000 and soon became an active church leader in Nukus, the capital of Karakalpakstan, the autonomous republic of Uzbekistan. At present, no Protestant church in Karakalpakstan has an official registration: they are considered illegal.

Djabbarbergenov was hauled into court six times. Police raided the family’s apartment in August 2007, prompting Djabbarbergenov and his wife, Aigul, then pregnant with their third child, to flee to Tashkent, the Uzbek capital. He crossed into Kazakhstan the following month, his family followed a few months later.

Their time since has been spent seeking asylum in Kazakhstan. Though the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees determined the family to be refugees who would face prosecution in Uzbekistan because of their Christian faith, the Kazakh government disagreed and has ruled against Djabbarbergenov at several turns. His case now rests before the country’s highest court, which has yet to set a hearing date.

Even as Djabbarbergenov’s refugee status hangs in the balance, prosecutors have moved ahead in response to Uzbekistan’s request to return him to face charges.

In a detailed account of the lengths to which Kazakh investigators have gone, the Norwegian religious-freedom watchdog agency Forum 18 reported they held his sister-in-law for two weeks in an attempt to flush him out. From her cell phone they obtained the phone number of Djabbarbergenov’s wife, and tracked down the location of the family’s home, where they arrested Djabbarbergenov on Sept. 5 – his youngest son’s 2nd birthday – Forum 18 reported.

The two charges awaiting Djabbarbergenov in Uzbekistan each carry a maximum penalty of three years in prison. Uzbekistan is ranked No. 7 on the World Watch List of the 50 countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian. “Christians are fined or given short-term prison sentences. When brought to court, fair treatment is not ensured,” according to the World Watch List.

The U.S. State Department and the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom have designated Uzbekistan as a “country of particular concern.” “The Uzbek government violates the full range of human rights and harshly penalizes individuals for independent religious activity regardless of their religious affiliation,” including Muslims, the Commission declared in its 2012 annual report."

Compass direct org: (picture)

Uzbekistan confiscates bibles and orders their destruction:

Rapport och fruktansvärd beskrivning av fängelseförhållanden (sjukhusliknande fängelse) i Kazakhstan (via mänskorättskämpen och juristen Vadim Kuramshin (Front line defenders) som nyligen frigetts ur ett fängelse: http://www.kuramshyn.org/blog/2012-09-10-170  
Världssamfundet till kännedom - läs ni som kan ryska eller översätt denna fruktansvärda redogörelse för fängelseförhållandena och tortyren i Kazakhstan; "smutsigt vatten, dysenteri, tuberkulos, stockat avloppssystem, tortyr och misshandel med brutna ben och ryggrad som följd, svårt sjuka fångar med tex. funktionshinder placeras i kylaren, i medicinska enheten brist på mediciner, maten: torr potatis och rutten fisk och ruttet kött, ställvis saknas telefonautomat (lagbrott) sjuka fångar tvingas patrullera med dödsfall som följd, självmord förekommer, våld mot fångar pga deras etnicitet förekommer...Herre, förbarma dig!

This is a terrible description of prison conditions and torture in Kazakhstan, "dirty water, dysentery, tuberculosis, congested drainage, torture and ill-treatment: broken bones and spine, seriously ill prisoners with disabilities are placed in the cooler, the medical unit has shortage of medicines, food: dry potatoes and rotten fish and rotten meat, no phones (illegal), sick prisoners are forced to patrol causing death as a that result, suicide occurs, violence against prisoners because of their ethnicity exist ... Lord, have mercy!


Mannen i nedanstående länk har torterats ihjäl extremt brutalt- Kyrie eleison - placerades i ett garage! Allmänheten får höra att han dött en naturlig död.
Kyrie eleison for Kazakhstan. Lord, have mercy! Ovanstående artikel av Vadim Kuramshin (internationellt känd mänskorättsförvarare) innehåller bla. vittnesmål om brutal och extremt svår tortyr (mord) och allmänheten får höra att "han dog en naturlig död". 

Kyrie eleison for Kazakhstan. Lord, have mercy! The article by Vadim Kuramshin (well-known human rights defender) contains testimonies of very brutal and extremely cruel torture (murder) and people are told that "he died a natural death."

Update 19.9.2012
Georgian minister resigned after the publication of a video on torture in Gldani prison in Tbilisi. --- Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili on Wednesday night made a special statement in connection with the identified cases of torture in prison. "What happened in Gldani prison is horrendous act against the dignity of man and his rights. All those who contributed to it and allowed it deserves a severe punishment."

Update 19.9.2012 Georgia and Kazakhstan
"Opposition in Georgian released a video on shocking torture in prison Nr 8, Tbilisi to the television on September 18th. The video is showing a rape, torture and a prisoner crying and begging for help and to stop. --- Torture freqently occure in prisons of Kazakhstan. Human rights activists and relatives of prisoners have repeatedly said that in Kazakhstan there is no mechanism to investigate complaints of torture."

Finland: Helsingin Sanomat: rå video från ett fängelse förorsakade storm i Georgien

Update 20.9
Fd. presidentkand. i exil pga KGB-tortyren i fängelset, Ales Michalevic drar paralleller mellan fängelseförhållandena i Georgien och Belarus. Han bidrog själv med sitt vittnesmål efter frigivningen till att upplysa om fängelseförhållandena och bryta tystnaden. Varför är då det belarusiska folket i allmänhet tyst om försvunna politiker, politiska fångar och tortyr? Svaret torde ligga i mentaliteten men kanske mest pga självbevarelsedrift och viljan och kampen för överlevnad. Det är mycket förståeligt att man tiger när man riskerar att hamna i fängelset och/eller bli slagen av polis! Nivån av förtryck i Belarus förskräcker och kan närmast beskrivas som terrror.

Mourning . painful:

Update Kazakhstan 20.9

Update 20.9 Kazakhstan - fruktansvärda övergrepp och slakt i  ett fängelse, anhöriga förtvivlade

Hebr. 13:3 "Tänk på dem som sitter i fängelse, som om ni vore deras medfångar, och på dem som misshandlas, som om det gällde er egen kropp." Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body."


"Soon and very soon - no more crying and dying there":


Good news August 28, 2012
About human rights defender and lawyer Vadim Kuramshin: http://www.frontlinedefenders.org/node/19674
Lawyer and human rights defender Vadim Kuramshin, who had been facing the prospect of 14 years in prison, was today released after the jury dramatically and unexpectedly dismissed the charges against him.

Ps. 46:1 "Gud är vår tillflykt och vår starkhet, en hjälp i nöden väl beprövad."
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Ps. 46:1 (ESV)

"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." 1 Cor. 12:26 "Om en lem lider, så lider alla lemmarna med den. Och om en lem hedras, gläder sig alla lemmarna med den."

Pray for the pastor and his family ("Through it all")
The Church is still singing to Jesus: Holy, holy, holy - Kyrkan fortsätter att sjunga!

"Heilig, heilig, heilig" :
Kom ihåg denna pastor i allmänna kyrkobönen!

Foto: Kerstin L. (sept. 2012, altaret i Karleby kyrka) 
Herre, förbarma dig! 

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