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onsdag 29 augusti 2012

Holocaust (Shoah) and Seyfo - Never again!

Chief rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks:

"... and so it goes on today, in Darfur and far too many other places today, where being the wrong color or ethnicity or religion or tribe deprives you of the most basic human right, to live in freedom without fear. There is still all too little protest."

 Holocaust: "One day in 1933, all Jewish lawyers in Germany were dismissed. Nothing was said. Jews came into the offices. Some of them had worked in them for as long as their adult lives and they removed their belongings and they left. No one said anything.

"Then it happened to Jewish academics. Then, to Jewish doctors. No public protest. As little by little, an entire class of humanity was turned in to non-persons..."

"... and so it goes on today, in Darfur and far too many other places today, where being the wrong color or ethnicity or religion or tribe deprives you of the most basic human right, to live in freedom without fear. There is still all too little protest."

Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks message on Holocaust Memorial Day 2012:
Chefsrabbins ord är värda att lyssna till många gånger om och om igen.

"In the end, said Martin Luther King we will all remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...
...where there where protests it made difference" (Chief rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks)

Honoring Shoah and Seyfo
Foto: Kerstin L (aug. 2012)

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