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tisdag 15 maj 2018

Indonesia - Churches hit by three horrific attacks

Indonesien. Surabaya.
Open doors Sverige: "Tre kyrkor attackerades i självmordsattacker i Indonesien.

Attackerna inträffade på söndagsmorgonen i kuststaden Surabaya, i östra Java. Elva personer dödades och över 40 personer skadades.

Islamiska Staten, IS, har tagit på sig skulden för dåden. Indonesien ligger på plats 38 i årets World Watch List, och flera terrorattacker har inträffat se senaste två decennierna.

Be för Indonesien. Be för offren och deras familjer, om styrka och tröst till de som förlorat en anhörig och om helande för de skadade. Be om Guds beskydd över landet. Be att terrorplaner avslöjas och stoppas. Be för landets kristna och för kyrkans ledare. Be att kyrkan kan besvara attackerna på samma sätt som Kristus gjorde och förmedla ljus, hopp och förlåtelse mitt i denna fruktansvärda situation."

"At least 13 people died and more than 40 others were wounded in the three attacks. Our partners report that one man who lost both his sons and his wife is in a critical condition. ---

The attacks were timed to coincide with Sunday services and occurred within ten minutes of one another. Islamic State has since claimed responsibility for the attacks.

In a second attack this morning, a family of five, including an eight-year-old child, carried out a bomb attack on a police station in Surabaya, killing at least four people. It is thought the child survived."

BBC: "Surabaya attacks: 11 killed in Indonesia church bombings" (13 May 2018)
"What happened?

The first explosion took place between services at the Santa Maria Catholic Church around 07:30 local time (00:30 GMT). Inspector General Machfud Arifin told CNN Indonesia that a motorbike was used in the attack.

According to Reuters, the second bombing targeted the cark park of a Pentecostal church. Images of the scene showed a number of burnt motorcycles.

Unconfirmed eyewitness reports say that the third attack was carried out by one or more veiled women who entered a church with children."

Foto: KL

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