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söndag 22 april 2018

Israel's 70th anniversary - Celebrate the miracle of the modern State of Israel!

Symposium in Copenhagen by ECI:

"Andrew Tucker explained how the rights of the Jewish people to reconstitute their own state in their ancestral homeland of Israel was first recognized under international law at the peace conference in San Remo, Italy, in 1920 by the great powers of the day, who represented the Supreme Council of the Principal Allied Powers. The resolution was incorporated in the Mandate for Palestine in 1922. If this pledge to help the Jewish people to re-create their own state had materialized sooner, in 1938 instead of 1948, millions of Jews would have been able to survive the Holocaust. “These are facts that the international community has to keep in mind as we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Jewish state. The nations should celebrate, and not criticize, the fact that today the Jewish state has a strong army which is capable of defending its people in contrast to the 1940´s when there where was no-one to protect the persecuted Jews. As the nuclear deal with Iran is being revisited in the coming weeks, the EU should be clear that it cannot support an Iranian regime which continues to threaten Israel with annihilation,” Tucker concluded."

European Coalition for Israel (full text) "ECI celebrates Israel’s 70th anniversary in Copenhagen – Calls on European governments to celebrate the miracle of Israel"

"Give peace a chance" (San Remo resolution) video:

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