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tisdag 19 augusti 2014

Well-known human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng released - Severely tortured

China aid news: "Gao was held in a small cell, with minimal light, 24-7-365. Guards were strictly instructed not to speak with him. He was not allowed any reading materials, television, or access to anyone or anything. He was fed a single slice of bread and piece of cabbage, once a day; as a result, he has lost roughly 22.5 kg --- He has lost many teeth from malnutrition. It is believed he was also repeatedly physically tortured. --- Gao has been utterly destroyed. He can barely talk."


“We are glad to hear Gao Zhisheng was finally released from prison after serving three full years of harsh, arbitrary imprisonment for his human rights and religious freedom defense work,” said Bob Fu, founder and president of China Aid, who, as a friend of Gao’s, has campaigned for his release for several years throughout Gao’s disappearances and torture.

“The fact that Gao was forbidden to even talk to his wife and children at the time of his release shows that Gao is still far away from true freedom. We urge the Chinese government to restore Gao’s full rights and freedom as a Chinese citizen by allowing him free access to communicate and meet with his family and friends and to facilitate the process for a family reunion in the United States.”

"From the time of his reappearance in Shaya prison in December 2011, Gao was held in a small cell, with minimal light, 24-7-365. Guards were strictly instructed not to speak with him. He was not allowed any reading materials, television, or access to anyone or anything. He was fed a single slice of bread and piece of cabbage, once a day; as a result, he has lost roughly 22.5 kg (50 pounds) and now weighs about 59 kg (130 pounds). He has lost many teeth from malnutrition. It is believed he was also repeatedly physically tortured. Unfortunately, it is hard to get much more than basic information from him. Gao has been utterly destroyed. He can barely talk — and only in very short sentences — most of the time he mutters and is unintelligible. It is believed he is now suffering from a broad range of physical and mental health problems; he has not been allowed to see a doctor since his release."

China 18 facts:

Christians - The best is yet to come.

2 Cor. 4:16-18 "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal."

Photo of fire in a basket: KL

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