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onsdag 6 november 2013

Israel and IDF are saving Syrian lives

(Good news - Svenska Dagen firas med tacksamhet i Finland och genom att stå upp för Israel) Sann mänskokärlek i Israel som är ett demokratins ljus och hoppet i en mörk region.

The Times of Israel:

Syrian refugee gave birth to a healty boy in an Israeli hospital.

"When the woman felt the baby coming, she was stuck in her home near Quneitra, with no access to a Syrian hospital and no medical care in the town. So she decided to take a huge risk for the sake of her unborn child, and made her way to the border. --- When the IDF found her on the border Saturday night, she was already in labor. They brought her to Ziv Medical Center in Safed, where many of the dozens of Syrian medical cases brought into Israel are treated."

Read the whole text (The Times of Israel):

ECI (European Coalition for Israel)

Foto: Kerstin Lindén (Israelisk böneduk och tavlor från Israel, hälsningar från Finland)

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