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söndag 13 oktober 2013

Senator Rand Paul's powerful speech on the worldwide war on Christianity: "as if we lived in the Middle Ages or under early pagan Roman rule"

Persecution in many countries. Voice of the persecuted:

"Thankful for courageous men like Rand Paul standing in the gap and being a VOICE for the persecuted Church and Christianity! May the Lord bless and guide his path."

“Across the globe, Christians are under attack almost as if we lived in the Middle Ages or we lived under early pagan Roman rule,” Paul said. “This administration does nothing to stop it and it can be argued that it is giving aid and comfort to those who tolerate these crimes.” (Rand Paul)

Voice of the persecuted (video 19:05) Powerful speech! Listen and watch video:

ACLJ: Save pastor Saeed Abedini
"In the midst of the speech, he raised Pastor Saeed Abedini, the American pastor held by Iran, imprisoned and beaten for his faith in Christ."

Human rights defender Vadim Kuramshin, Kazakhstan is Christian:
Vadim Kuramshin made protests against torture and abuse and said: "there are torture chambers like during the Middle Ages in Kazakhstan." He cried on a dinner when someone asked him about torture and he went home. Now he is wrongly imprisoned for 12 years for human rights work!

Photo: KL

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