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onsdag 12 juni 2013

"Double punishment" for Christians in Kazakhstan - Kazakhstan targets Muslim background Christians - Imprisoned human rights defender Vadim Kuramshin awarded with Freedom prize

Forum 18. Persecution in Kazakhstan: "Human rights defender Yevgeni Zhovtis (Евгений Жовтис), of the Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law, describes the ban on leaving Kazakhstan for Council of Churches Baptists who refuse to pay fines imposed for exercising their freedom of religion or belief as "double punishment".

Forum 18: "Double punishment"


Kazakhstan targets muslim background Christians:
"Kashkumbaev was accused of serving hallucinogens in a "red drink." He says, "The 'red drink' that was confiscated from the church was just red tea to serve as non-alcoholic communion."  ---

"This arrest is similar to the way they arrested Christians during the Soviet days, says Kusack. He says there is a huge danger. "If the church all over the world ignores this and there is no reaction from the West, I believe this type of persecution will continue. --- Kahkumbaev was also charged with exerting a psychological influence over the congregation. Kusack says, "That [was] prayers, and singing. Police showed in court a video they made during the services."

Kristen pastor, tidigare muslim, arresterad. Orsak: beskylld för att det alkoholfria nattvardsvinet skulle innehålla hallucinogener. Också beskylld för att utöva psykologiskt inflytande på församlingen genom bön och sånger.

Freedom prize for imprisoned human rights defender Vadim Kuramshin:

Ett oppositionsparti i Kazakhstan har den 31.5 delat ut ett "Frihetspris" till 7 personer (även postumt) Rosa Tulataeva och Vadim Kuramshin är två av dessa pristagare. Prisutdelningen skedde på gatan pga problem med myndigheterna och transportmedlet. Vadim Kuramshin's mor Olga Koltunova tog emot priset (ett verbalt pris) med tårar i ögonen och sade att sonen dömes pga sitt envisa och idoga försvar av fångarnas intressen. Hans karaktär är rakryggad och han kunde inte annat, trots att jag flera gånger sagt till honom att vara försiktig, sa hon. Hon hoppas få besöka honom den 7 juli för att berätta om priset.

On May 31, an opposition party in Kazakhstan distributed a "Freedom Prize" to 7 people. Rosa Tulataeva and Вадим Курамшин are two of these winners. The ceremony took place on the street due to problems with the authorities and the bus. Vadim Kuramshin's mother Olga Koltunova received the award (a verbal price) with tears in her eyes and said that her son was sentenced to prison because of his persistent defense of prisoners' interests. "His character is upright and he could not do otherwise, even though I repeatedly told him to be careful", she said. She hopes to visit him on July 7 to tell about the price.  


Who is Vadim Kuramshin?

Persecution.org is quoting Vadim Kuramshin:

Foto: KL 

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