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tisdag 13 november 2012

Muslim trafficking networks target Coptic women

CBN/CSCE Helsinki commission, October 10, 2012

Kyrie eleison! "Abide with me" (to all my Egyptian friends)

"Many Egyptian Christian women fear they'll be targets for abduction and forced marriage by muslims."

CBN about Mary:

The text:
"...George Washington University professor Michele Clark is one of the authors of the study. She testified recently before the Helsinki Commission, debunking arguments that suggest Christian girls are leaving their faith and families simply for romance.
"They say yes to friendship, romance, to hope, a future, safety and security. Nevertheless, (they) did not consent to being ripped from their family without ever being able to see them again," she said.
Nor, she added, did these Christian women consent to being forcibly converted to a religion other than their own, or consent to a life of captivity. ---

So, what should be done? Middle East analyst Walid Phares said the Obama administration must openly discuss the matter with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.
"The perpetrators in Egypt must know from the media, from public discussion, that our officials are demanding from the president of Egypt and demanding from the future, or current parliament, that these issues be at the table, that the constitutional committee that is looking at the future constitution take in consideration these elements," Phares told CBN News.                      
Clark also said the Egyptian government needs to create a national registry documenting the disappearance of minors."

The report (Michele Clark) July 18, 2012

CSCE Helsinki commission

"Abide with me" (Hayley Westenra)


Foto: familjen Lindén

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