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lördag 7 mars 2020

Frozen in Belarus - the importance of a free and democratic Belarus

Shabbat shalom!

- For about 16 years ago I met dr Shahbaz Bhatti at a meeting. He just sat there at a table in the hallway together with chairman of the Friends of the Martyred Church Johan Candelin. I stopped by from a lecture and we exchanged a few words with each other. I remember I informed him shortly about my "project Belarus", the dictatorship in the heart of Europe. I noticed that he was tense and in pain for his own country Pakistan and the Christian minority, despite this, he took the time to say: "It's an important work that you do". I will never forget him.

I write about many topics and countries on my blog. Important things. It's not much I can do. My blog became dedicated to Belarus. The news linked on my blog (to the right) are a proof of that and it's is difficult to explain how it all begun...

Lrt.It "Lukashenko is lying to Lithuania and the West – opinion" (by:  Андрей Санников
"Andrei Sannikov is a Belarusian politician and activist, head of European Belarus Foundation. Sannikov was a candidate in the 2010 presidential election in Belarus, and had the second highest percentage of the popular votes. Sannikov also served as a Belarusian diplomat."

- "The reason for a new international attention to Belarus is Lukashenka’s alleged conflict with the Kremlin over energy supply and price, as well as the ‘deeper integration’ plan of the two countries suggested by Moscow." (full text in the link)

Photo: KL

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